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IIT Annual Academic Report Campaign

Course 2023 - 2024 - English Version

The information available of Dr.D.Luis Olmos Camacho since September 01, 2023 to August 31, 2024 is showed below.

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Chapter 1. Organizational structure   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

  • 1.1 Management    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.2 Council    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.3 Area coordinators    Expandir/Contraer

      *Información pendiente de formato.
  • 1.4 Scientific advisory board    Expandir/Contraer

    • 1.5 Academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Name: Luis Olmos Camacho
        Category: Senior Research Associate Professor
        Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Comillas)
        Electrical Engineer (Comillas)
        Areas of Interest: Regulation of the energy sector. Transmission of electricity. Power economics. System identification.
        ICAI Department: * Not applicable *
    • 1.6 Associated academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.8 Areas of Research    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
        *Name: Luis Olmos Camacho
      • 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
        *Without information.
    • 1.9 Services staff    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
        *Not applicable.
      • 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
        *Not applicable.

    Chapter 2. Research   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

    • 2.1 Research Projects    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: MUESSLI
        Project title: Multi Energy System Smart Linking Integration
        Funding entity: Collaborative Research for Energy SYstem Modelling (CRESYM)
        Start date: October 2023
        End date: September 2027
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Sara Lumbreras Sancho
        Description: A multinational consortium of world-class companies and universities in the energy sector will develop and model advanced strategies for coordinating the planning of the expansion and operation of different activities within the electricity, gas, and hydrogen sectors. This work takes place in coordination with a team of researchers from the universities of the consortium and in contact with leading professionals from the companies in it to propose solutions of relevance to these companies.
      • Public funding
        *Abbreviated name: OneNet
        Project title: OneNet- One network for Europe (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 957739)
        Funding entity: European Commission
        Start date: October 2020
        End date: March 2024
        Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Tomás Gómez San Román, Rafael Cossent Arín, Luis Olmos Camacho, Javier Matanza Domingo, Gregorio López López, Leandro Lind, Orlando Mauricio Valarezo Rivera, Matteo Troncia, Jesús José Fernández García, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Hernández, Shilpa Bindu, David Ulrich Ziegler
        Description: OneNet addresses the growing needs of TSOs and DSOs to have real-time insight into the operation of their networks to work in a closely coordinated way, while unlocking and enabling new flexibility markets in a fair and open way. Goal is to enable a cost-effective, seamless and secure bidirectional power flow to and from network customers as active players while supporting grid operators in their system responsibilities. The challenges that OneNet addresses are: • The need to unlock markets of flexibility at every level to address all the possible needs of network operators • The need to effectively support both TSOs and DSOs system-level operation through providing flexibility for ‘frequency balancing’ and ‘non-frequency’ ancillary services among others • The need for TSOs and DSOs to secure power supplies in the context of ever-increasing RES penetration, decreasing network outages, • The need for TSOs and DSOs to gain near real-time insight into the operation of the networks and to can optimise them in near real-time, and • The need for improved efficiency of grid reinforcements and stabilization of future costs of grid connection. Comillas is leader of WP10– From OneNet demonstrators to EU wide implementation of coordinated market schemes and interoperable platforms for standardized system products.

        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957739

        *Abbreviated name: ECEMF
        Project title: ECEMF. European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 101022622)
        Funding entity: European Commission
        Start date: May 2021
        End date: December 2024
        Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Luis Olmos Camacho, Carlos Mateo Domingo, Dilayne Santos Oliveira, Miguel Martínez Velázquez, María del Socorro Gómez Pérez
        Description: The aim of ECEMF is to provide the knowledge to inform the development of future energy and climate policies at national and European levels. In support of this aim, ECEMF proposes a range of activities to achieve five objectives and meet the four challenges set out in the call text. ECEMF’s programme of events and novel IT-based communications channel will enable researchers to identify and co-develop the most pressing policy-relevant research questions with a range of stakeholders to meet ambitious European energy and climate policy goals, in particular the European Green Deal and the transformation to a climate neutral society. Answers will be provided by the first inclusive and open full-scale model comparison exercise on achieving climate neutrality in Europe, including from the outset over 20 models and 15 top research groups, to produce a coherent and relevant evidence-base for energy and climate policy impact assessment. ECEMF’s evidence-base will support the development of policy-relevant insights which will be communicated to and discussed with the key decision makers via a range of novel methods, including interactive embeddable visualisation blocks, policy briefs, workshops and high-profile events. This loop of knowledge co-production stands on two pillars. First, ECEMF will advance the state-of-the-art of energy and climate modelling by enabling sharing of: input data using open standards, methods for model comparison building on the vast experience of the consortium, scientific software tools such as the IIASA scenario explorer and hands-on training for researchers. Second, ECEMF will be established as a long-term, open and welcoming European focal-point for researchers and policy makers with unparalleled international connections to the EMF, JMIP, IAMC and IPCC. Through extensive links to ongoing H2020 projects, research and policy communities & networks ECEMF will reduce fragmentation of the European energy and climate research landscape.

        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101022622

        *Abbreviated name: DIAMOND-ESR
        Project title: DIAMOND. Delivering the next generation of IAMs for net-zero, sustainable, development (Horizon Europe. Grant agreement No. 101081179)
        Funding entity: European Commission
        Start date: December 2022
        End date: November 2026
        Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, María del Socorro Gómez Pérez
        Description: Further development of IAMs and their interface with sectorial models. Development by Comillas of an interface between the power system expansion planning model openTEPES and several IAMs.

        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101081179

        *Abbreviated name: HESIME
        Project title: Day-ahead market price simulation tool [HESIME] (CPP2022-009809)
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) /10.13039/501100011033, y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRTR
        Start date: April 2023
        End date: March 2026
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez, Pedro Sánchez Martín
        Description: The objective of the HESIME project is the research, definition, design and development of a disruptive system for simulating the behaviour of the daily market in Spain for future years (horizons 2030 and 2050) considering different scenarios of system evolution based on the use of artificial intelligence techniques, mathematical programming and the application of advanced algorithms based on the above. HESIME will make it possible to anticipate the behaviour of the market, given its current design, depending on the energy policies that are planned to be applied, with a reliability never before achieved. This tool will make it possible to calculate the price signals produced by the market, which are critical for investment planning and their impact on consumers, as well as the operating regimes of each existing technology or new technology entering the electricity system.

        Grant Day-ahead market price simulation tool [HESIME] (CPP2022-009809) funded by MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

        *Abbreviated name: OpenMod4Africa
        Project title: Open Modelling toolbox for development of long-term pathways for the energy system in Africa
        Funding entity: European Commission
        Start date: July 2023
        End date: June 2026
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Mohamed Abbas Eltahir Elabbas, Francisco Labora Gómez
        Description: OpenMod4Africa aims to develop an Open Energy System Modelling Toolbox (hereinafter referred to as OM4A Toolbox), which is adapted to African needs and uses based on collaboration between African and European partners. The toolbox provide science-based results to policymakers and local actors, to assist them in analyzing the environmental, social and economic synergies and trade-offs to be achieved in a clean energy transition in African countries, as well as the impact of increasing clean energy generation. The capacity-building program, replication strategy and strong involvement of African academic institutions and other stakeholders guarantees that OpenMod4Africa can help increase African energy modeling competence and establish a network of local experts and users of the open Toolbox in the long term.

        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101118123

      • 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: AFRICA_COST_ALLOC
        Project title: Quantitative assessment of Regional Cost Allocation Methods in the West African Power Pool
        Funding entity: CESI S.p.A
        Start date: July 2023
        End date: July 2024
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Mohamed Abbas Eltahir Elabbas, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez
        Description: Application of several methodologies for the computation of electricity transmission tariffs to allocate the cost of the regional transmission grid in the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP). Analysis of the results and derivation of relevant policy conclusions.
        *Abbreviated name: REPSOL_PRED_PRECIOS
        Project title: Electricity Market Modelling
        Funding entity: REPSOL S.A
        Start date: November 2023
        End date: April 2024
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez
        Description: The objective of this collaboration is to develop a tool focused on determining the evolution of prices in the Spanish peninsular electricity system markets in the 2023 to 2050 horizon, as well as to apply this tool to a case, or set of scenarios, representative of the possible evolution of the Spanish system. This tool must consider an evolution of those factors that have a relevant impact on prices that is consistent with the evolution projections of the electricity system developed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) within the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 and the Long Term Decarbonization Strategy 2050.
        *Abbreviated name: Repsol_AguayoII_2024
        Project title: Application of the ENTSO-e cost-benefit analysis method to Aguayo II pumped-hydro storage 2024
        Funding entity: Repsol Generación Eléctrica, S.A.U
        Start date: June 2024
        End date: September 2024
        Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán, Luis Olmos Camacho, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Enrique Lobato Miguélez
        Description: Report on the application of the ENTSO-e 2024 cost-benefit analysis method to Aguayo II pumped-hydro storage.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
      • 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
    • 2.2 Publications    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.2.1 Books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.2 Chapters in books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
        *Author(s): E. F. Álvarez, J.C. López, L. Olmos, A. Ramos
        Title: An optimal expansion planning of power systems considering cycle-based AC optimal power flow
        Journal: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
        Vol & Num: vol. 39
        Pages: 101413-1-101413-16
        ISSN: 2352-4677
        Publication date: May 2024/September 2024
        *Author(s): S. Bindu, L. Olmos, J.P. Chaves
        Title: The Devil in the details: the factors determining the selection of intrazonal congestion management methods across Europe
        Journal: Heliyon
        Vol & Num: vol. 10, nº. 4
        Pages: e26610-1-e26610-19
        ISSN: 2405-8440
        Publication date: February 2024/February 2024
        *Author(s): S. Gómez, L. Olmos
        Title: Coordination of generation and transmission expansion planning in a liberalized electricity context — coordination schemes, risk management, and modelling strategies: a review
        Journal: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
        Vol & Num: vol. 64
        Pages: 103731-1-103731-16
        ISSN: 2213-1388
        Publication date: March 2024/April 2024
        *Author(s): L. Lind, J.P. Chaves, M. Valarezo, A. Sanjab, L. Olmos
        Title: Baseline methods for distributed flexibility in power systems considering resource, market, and product characteristics
        Journal: Utilities Policy
        Vol & Num: vol. 86
        Pages: 101688-1-101688-10
        ISSN: 0957-1787
        Publication date: December 2023/February 2024
        *Author(s): D. Santos Oliveira, S. Lumbreras, E. F. Álvarez, A. Ramos, L. Olmos
        Title: Model-based energy planning: a methodology to choose and combine models to support policy decisions
        Journal: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
        Vol & Num: vol. 159
        Pages: 110048-1-110048-22
        ISSN: 0142-0615
        Publication date: May 2024/August 2024
      • 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
        *Author(s): M.A.E. Elabbas, L. Olmos
        Title: A new method for efficient transmission losses allocation in electricity markets without losses consideration in the dispatch
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering - ACPEE 2024
        City: Shanghai
        Country: China
        Date: 11-13 April 2024
        ISBN: 979-8-3503-0964-5
        *Author(s): S. Bindu, L. Olmos, J.P. Chaves
        Title: Strategic plays in electricity markets: exploring gaming opportunities for demand under different settlement rules
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM24
        City: Istanbul
        Country: Turkey
        Date: 10-12 June 2024
        ISBN: 979-8-3503-8175-7
      • 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
        *Author(s): S. Gómez, L. Olmos, A. Ramos, M. Rivier
        Title: A bi-level framework to analyse the use of FTRs as a long-term risk hedging instrument in the European electricity context
        Date: June 2024
        Reference: IIT-24-181WP
      • 2.2.6 Other Publications
        *Author(s): L. Olmos, J.P. Chaves, J.J. Fernández García, D. Ziegler, J. Galeano, M. Lacerda, L. Marques, E. Zoulias, M. Asprou, L. Hadjidemetriou, K. Drivakou
        Type: Technical report
        Title: Business model analysis of OneNet solutions
        Organizer: European Commission
        City: Madrid
        Country: Spain
        Date: November 2023
        More information: Proyecto: OneNet / WP11/ T. 6
    • 2.3 Software Products    Expandir/Contraer

      Chapter 3. Teaching   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
          *Without information.
        • 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
          *Without information.
      • 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.2.1 Master Courses
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Subject title: Master Thesis
          Lecturer(s): Roberto Barrella, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Rafael Cossent Arín, Fernando de Cuadra García, Ignacio de Rodrigo Tobías, Pablo Dueñas Martínez, Antonio Fernández Cardador, Adrián Fernández Rodríguez, Aurelio García Cerrada, Javier García González, Tomás Gómez San Román, Lucía Güitta López, Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Pedro Linares Llamas, Álvaro Jesús López López, Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Javier Matanza Domingo, Carlos Mateo Domingo, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy Mohammed Nour, Valeria Karina Moreno, Luis Olmos Camacho, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas, Manuel Pérez Bravo, José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, José Carlos Romero Mora, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, Pablo Sánchez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Lukas Sigrist, Matteo Troncia, Carmen Valor Martínez, Juan Luis Zamora Macho
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Title: Quantification of Costs and Benefits of Power System Flexibility Provision from Distributed Energ Resources (DER) for Balancing and Congestion Management in Europe
          Author: Marcos López-Baissón, José María de
          Supervisor(s): Jose Pablo Chaves Ávila, Luis Olmos Camacho
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • Master in Environment and Energy Transition
          *Without information.
      • 3.3 Other Academic Activities    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.3.1 External Master Courses
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.

      Chapter 4. Doctorate   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.2 Training complements    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.3 Training activities    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.4 Doctoral Theses    Expandir/Contraer

        • 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
          Author: Erik Francisco Alvarez Quispe
          Supervisor(s): Andrés Ramos Galán and Luis Olmos Camacho
          *Title: Coordination between Generation and Transission expasion planning in a liberalized electricity context, and the use of the FTRs as a coordination tool
          Author: Stefania Gómez Sánchez
          Supervisor(s): Luis Olmos Camacho
          *Title: Alternate Models for European Short-Term Electricity Markets
          Author: Shilpa Bindu
          Supervisor(s): José Pablo Cháves Avila and Luis Olmos Camacho
          *Title: African Power Pools and Regional Trade: Adoption of international best practices in the African context
          Author: Mohamed Abbas Eltahir Elabbas
          Supervisor(s): Luis Olmos Camacho and José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga

      Chapter 5. Other Activities   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 5.1 EES-UETP    Expandir/Contraer

        • 5.2 International Exchanges    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.3 Visiting professors    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.4 Visiting students    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Lecturer(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Rafael Palacios Hielscher
            Course title: Coordination of the course committee of the EES-UETP network during the year 2023
            Funding entity: Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership Association (EES-UETP)
            Date: January-December 2023
            *Lecturer(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Rafael Palacios Hielscher
            Course title: Coordination of the course committee of the EES-UETP network during the year 2024
            Funding entity: Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership Association (EES-UETP)
            Date: January-December 2024
        • 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Author(s): Luis Olmos Camacho y Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity description: Permanent member of Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC
            Funding entity:
            Date: June 2017- Today
            *Author(s): Luis Olmos Camacho y Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity description: Member of the Scientific Committee of Technical Program Committee «XXIII Power Systems Computation Conference- PSCC 2024»
            Organizer: Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (RTE)
            Funding entity:
            City: Paris
            Country: France
            Date: June 2024
        • 5.9 Other Activities    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.

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