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IIT Annual Academic Report Campaign

Course 2023 - 2024 - English Version

The information available of Dr.D.Aurelio García Cerrada since September 01, 2023 to August 31, 2024 is showed below.

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Chapter 1. Organizational structure   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

  • 1.1 Management    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.2 Council    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.3 Area coordinators    Expandir/Contraer

      *Without information.
  • 1.4 Scientific advisory board    Expandir/Contraer

    • 1.5 Academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Name: Aurelio García Cerrada
        Category: Professor
        Degree: Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (University of Birmingham, U.K.)
        Electrical Engineer (UPM)
        Areas of Interest: Power electronics. Control of electrical drives. FACTS. System identification and control.
        ICAI Department: DEAC
    • 1.6 Associated academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.8 Areas of Research    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
        *Without information.
    • 1.9 Services staff    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
        *Not applicable.
      • 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
        *Not applicable.

    Chapter 2. Research   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

    • 2.1 Research Projects    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: FLEXENER
        Project title: Flexible and efficient integration of CO2 generation technologies
        Funding entity: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Innovation & Technology S.L
        Start date: January 2021
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Aurelio García Cerrada, Juan Luis Zamora Macho, Javier García Aguilar, Lukas Sigrist
        Description: This project will develop "fundamental models" for the design and analysis of wind-based generation technologies. Fundamental models are those derived from more detailed models that capture the most relevant dynamics of systems to be studied so that they can be included in the study of broader systems. These fundamental models will have various degrees of detail according to the purpose they will be intended for.
        *Abbreviated name: TESTBENCH
        Project title: Development of a multi-axis control system for test machines and systems
        Funding entity: S.A. Española Ibertest
        Start date: June 2023
        End date: May 2026
        Researcher(s): Juan Luis Zamora Macho, Aurelio García Cerrada
        Description: The aim of this project is to develop and program an application that automates all the control tasks of an industrial testing machine. The proposed system must allow all kinds of tests, both static and dynamic, whether single-axis or multi-axis. In addition, it must incorporate all the auxiliary functions required to facilitate its commissioning.
      • Public funding
        *Abbreviated name: INERCIA0_BIS
        Project title: Stability analysis of large power systems with 100% of non-synchronous generators
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI)
        Start date: September 2020
        End date: August 2024
        Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada, Régulo Enrique Ávila Martínez, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Francisco Javier Renedo Anglada
        Description: The future sustainability of the Worlds Energy System (WES) rests on a massive and distributed penetration of renewable energy sources and their substantial increase in the generation mix. This phenomenon is already taking place at an ever-increasing pace (that is bound to speed up in the future) thanks to facilitating technologies such as power electronics. Therefore, conventional synchronous technology will gradually move from its dominant position towards a situation in which coordination with other and newer technologies will be mandatory. In fact, a situation in which the whole electricity demand of certain regions is supplied by electronic converters from renewable energy sources, at least temporarily, is possible or is already occurring. In this new situation there exists the urgent need to rethink current paradigms regarding the control and operation of conventional electric energy systems in order to address future scenarios (lower system inertia, faster dynamics, controller interactions, etc.). The main objective of this project is to provide the in-depth analysis of the control, operation and technology requirements for the newly created breed of electricity networks of low-to-nil conventional generation with increasing numbers of smart components (generators and loads, for example). This type of systems must include (a) alternating current (AC) sub-grids because of the large number of existing AC loads and the necessity of maintaining the compatibility with the conventional grid and (b) direct current (DC) sub-grids where most of the renewable-based generation can be more naturally integrated (see solar energy, for example), energy storage (batteries) can also be easily interfaced and some domestic and industrial loads can be connected (computers and electrical drives, for example). Currently, the operation of hybrid (DC/AC) electric grids is possible thanks to the use of electronic Voltage Source Converters (VSCs, abbreviated). This project will address the following specific topics: "Modelling, analysis, control, and quality of electrical grids with low-to-nil conventional generation in order to improve their flexibility thanks to the use of power electronics while similar levels of voltage control, quality and reliability of supply to those already achieved with conventional systems can be reached." This project is supported by the Spanish Government through the 2019 edition of its pre-doctoral contract programme with reference number PRE2019-088084
        *Abbreviated name: CRESIPS
        Project title: Counteracting the REduction of Synchronous Inertia in Power Systems (CRESIPS): PID2021-1-125628OB-C21
        Funding entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)
        Start date: September 2022
        End date: August 2025
        Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada, Francisco Miguel Echavarren Cerezo, Fidel Fernández Bernal, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Enrique Lobato Miguélez, Ignacio Egido Cortés, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas, Régulo Enrique Ávila Martínez
        Description: Modern power systems are characterised by (a) a gradual reduction of the number of synchronous generators powered by fossil or nuclear (fully controllable!) fuels; (b) proliferation of fast acting and smart generation units; (c) proliferation of renewable resources, not always fully controllable (wind and solar are two clear examples); and (d) proliferation of smart and robust loads. The main objective of the coordinated project (with Comillas [SP1] and Uni. de Alcalá [SP2]) is the comprehensive and holistic analysis and design of modern frequency-control-proving solutions in power systems with a high penetration of renewable resources with no inertia. First subproject (SP1) will review the concept of inertia in modern power systems and its importance in frequency and angle stability, with special attention to modern technology scenarios. Along these lines, SP1 will firstly review the concept of inertia in grid codes. Secondly, it will review currently used inertia estimation techniques. Since nowadays it seems that frequency does not change uniformly across the power system any more, SP1 will investigate inertia global estimation and estimation at bus level. Thirdly, the project will study algorithms to control variable inertial levels across the power system taking advantage of the flexibility of electronic generation and modern energy storage systems such as batteries or supercapacitors. Finally, SP1 will set up an experimental test rig to validate the most important contributions. The test rig will be integrated in the Electric Machine Laboratory of ICAI School of Engineering (Comillas) where several motor+synchronous generator groups are being prepared to have speed and voltage control. Unlike in SP2, the experimental focus will be placed on a system-wide approach.

        Project PID2021-1-125628OB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF a way of building Europe”.

        *Abbreviated name: HVDC-Wise
        Project title: HVDC-Wise - HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems (Horizon Europe. Grant agreement No. 101075424)
        Funding entity: European Commission
        Start date: October 2022
        End date: April 2026
        Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist, Aurelio García Cerrada, Phillipe Vilaça Gomes, Illia Diahovchenko, Saeed Rezaeian-Marjani
        Description: The HVDC-WISE project overall objective is to propose, analyse, design, and validate HVDC-based grid architecture concepts that enable the deployment of reliable and resilient widespread AC/DC transmission grids to achieve the European energy transition. The HVDC-WISE project aims to:

        a) Propose a set of innovative HVDC-based grid architecture concepts (technological solutions) to harness the full potential of HVDC to increase the R&R of the AC/DC system and reduce the associated threats of HVDC systems, while providing transmission capacity.

        b) Provide the necessary tools and methodologies to analyse the R&R levels of future AC/DC systems integrating the different HVDC-based grid architecture concepts enabling their selection and design.

        c) Validate the proposed HVDC-based grid architecture concepts (using the provided tools) implemented on three complementary realistic use cases representing different grid situations in Europe.

        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075424

        *Abbreviated name: OPEMRES_MTHVDC
        Project title: Improvement of tools for the analysis of AC/DC hybrid power systems with massive penetration of renewable energy sources and test-case scenarios (TED2021-130610B-C22)
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
        Start date: December 2022
        End date: November 2024
        Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada, Andrés Tomás Martín, Francisco Miguel Echavarren Cerezo, Fidel Fernández Bernal, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Enrique Lobato Miguélez, Ignacio Egido Cortés, Javier García Aguilar, Carlos David Zuluaga Ríos
        Description: Meshed DC grids have been possible for many years but the fantastic development of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology has made them practical, now. A hybrid DC-AC grid can make power systems more flexible than conventional AC systems although the specific advantages would strongly depend on the size of the power converters and energy reserves available. More specifically: DC/AC converter stations can support the voltage control in the AC system reducing the risk of voltage instability in the AC grid; DC/AC converter stations can support the AC system with additional damping in case of power oscillations in the AC grid, reducing the risk of angle instability due to poor damping in the AC grid; a DC grid can quickly supply additional power in a controlled manner to an area of the AC grid in case of emergency by extracting it from another area or from internal storage elements, reducing the risk of frequency instability. Noticeably, a DC grid can connect asynchronous AC grids to make a more efficient use of the spinning reserves in both systems. The purpose of this subproject is threefold. Firstly, researchers use tools for the analysis and operation of hybrid AC/VSC-based DC system, already developed in previous projects, to investigate all the above advantages and contributions of VSC-based DC grids at system level and, when necessary, extended those tools. Secondly, researchers collaborate with the other subproject to elaborate demonstration cases for the above properties to be tested in a laboratory prototype the other subproject built. The prototype have to be scaled to represent important characteristics of a real power system. Finally, researchers simulate the case studies experimentally verified in characteristic test power systems in the literature (larger size, voltage and power than those of the prototype) to confirm the results obtained. Among others, these simulation cover two specific aspects: (a) the two subprojects collaborate to use similar real-time platforms they are currently equipped with and (b) long term simulation runs are carried out to validate the results from the smart energy management systems investigated by members of the other subproject. A clear understanding of the potential contributions of DC meshed grids to improve the flexibility of AC bulk power systems should help to integrate renewable energy sources (often non-dispatchable) to the generation mix and, consequently, to the decarbonization of the electricity sector, which could then supply clean electricity to many other industrial sectors.

        Grant TED2021-130610B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

        *Abbreviated name: JSPFPI
        Project title: Conteracting the reduction of inertia from synchronous generators in electric energy systems: diagnosis and solutiion placement
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI)
        Start date: November 2023
        End date: October 2027
        Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada, Jorge Suárez Porras
        Description: Inertia in bulk electric power systems is been gradually reduced due to the integration of renewable energy sources which substitute conventional synchronous generators, because the former resources are most often interfaced with the grid though electronic power converters with no rotating masses. Inertia is important in bulk electric power systems to maintain stability (especially frequency and angle stability) and its reduction must be addressed to ease the sustainability of electric power systems in the future. This research project will try to understand the nature and extend of the problem described, and will study possible solutions and their optimal distribution.
      • 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
      • 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
    • 2.2 Publications    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.2.1 Books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.2 Chapters in books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
        *Author(s): R. Ávila-Martínez, J. Renedo, L. Rouco, A. García-Cerrada, L. Sigrist, X. Guillaud, T. Qoria
        Title: Impact of current limiters and fast voltage boosters in grid-forming VSC-based generators on transient stability
        Journal: Electric Power Systems Research
        Vol & Num: vol. 235
        Pages: 110753-1-110753-11
        ISSN: 0378-7796
        Publication date: June 2024/October 2024
        *Author(s): D. Domínguez-Barbero, J. García-González, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, A. García-Cerrada
        Title: Energy management of a microgrid considering nonlinear losses in batteries through Deep Reinforcement Learning
        Journal: Applied Energy
        Vol & Num: vol. 368
        Pages: 123435-1-123435-12
        ISSN: 0306-2619
        Publication date: May 2024/August 2024
        *Author(s): D.P. Morán-Río, A. Anta, J. Roldán-Pérez, M. Prodanovic, A. García-Cerrada
        Title: Coordination of distributed resources for frequency support provision in microgrids
        Journal: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
        Vol & Num: vol. 155, nº. Part B
        Pages: 109539-1-109539-11
        ISSN: 0142-0615
        Publication date: October 2023/January 2024
      • 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
        *Author(s): R. Ávila-Martínez, J. Renedo, L. Rouco, A. García-Cerrada, L. Sigrist, X. Guillaud, T. Qoria
        Title: Impact of current limiters and fast voltage boosters in grid-forming VSC-based generators on transient stability
        Type: Communication
        Congress: XXIII Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2024
        City: Paris
        Country: France
        Date: 04-07 June 2024
        *Author(s): R. Ávila-Martínez, J. García-Aguilar, L. Rouco, J. Renedo, L. Sigrist, A. García-Cerrada
        Title: Small-signal stability of type 4 wind generators as affected by the bandwidth of current and PLL controllers
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 27th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion - SPEEDAM 2024
        City: Ischia
        Country: Italy
        Date: 19-21 June 2024
        *Author(s): J. Suárez Porras, F. Fernández-Bernal, L. Rouco, A. Tomás-Martín, A. García-Cerrada
        Title: Análisis modal de un compensador síncrono de 10kW con disco de inercia conectado a red
        Type: Communication
        Congress: XXXI Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica industrial e Instrumentación - SAAEI 2024
        City: Granada
        Country: Spain
        Date: 03-05 July 2024
        *Author(s): A. Tomás-Martín, J. Roldán-Pérez, N. Jankovic, S.J. Yagüe, A. García-Cerrada, L. Sigrist
        Title: Control secundario multi-agente para reconectar una microrred de convertidores formadores de red con la red principal
        Type: Communication
        Congress: XXXI Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica industrial e Instrumentación - SAAEI 2024
        City: Granada
        Country: Spain
        Date: 03-05 July 2024
      • 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
        *Author(s): A Tomás-Martín, J. García-Aguilar, A. García-Cerrada, L. Sigrist, J. Suárez-Porras
        Title: A vector-based flexible-complexity power system tool for simulation, and static and modal analysis
        Date: October 2023
        Reference: IIT-23-392WP
        *Author(s): A Tomás-Martín, J. Roldán-Pérez, N. Jankovic, S.J. Yagüe, A. García-Cerrada, L. Sigrist
        Title: Performance of multi-agent secondary control for reconnecting a microgrid of grid-forming converters to the main grid
        Date: May 2024
        Reference: IIT-24-157WP
      • 2.2.6 Other Publications
        *Without information.
    • 2.3 Software Products    Expandir/Contraer

      Chapter 3. Teaching   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
          *Title: Sistema de control por microprocesador de un convertidor CC-CA trifásico formador de red
          Author: Díaz de Rábago Pemán, Íñigo
          Supervisor(s): Andrés Tomás Martín, Aurelio García Cerrada
        • 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
          *Without information.
      • 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.2.1 Master Courses
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Subject title: Business Ethics and CSR
          Lecturer(s): José Carlos Romero Mora
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Title: Análisis, diseño y construcción de un corrector de factor de potencia monofásico con convertidor CC-CC elevador
          Author: Camblor Iglesias, Raúl
          Supervisor(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
          *Title: Aplicaciones de generación termoeléctrica en entornos domésticos aislados
          Author: Nevado Castuera, Alejandro
          Supervisor(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • Master in Environment and Energy Transition
          *Without information.
      • 3.3 Other Academic Activities    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.3.1 External Master Courses
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.

      Chapter 4. Doctorate   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.2 Training complements    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.3 Training activities    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.4 Doctoral Theses    Expandir/Contraer

        • 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
          *Title: Contributions to the analysis and design of primary and secondary controllers of electronic power converters in power systems
          Author: Diana Patricia Morán Río
          Supervisor(s): Milan Prodanovic, Javier Roldán Pérez and Aurelio García Cerrada
          Dissertation date: Mayo 14 , 2024
        • 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
          *Title: Stability analysis of unbalanced microgrids with grid-forming and grid-following electronic power converters
          Author: Sauro José Yagüe Yagüe
          Supervisor(s): Pere Palacín Farré and Aurelio García Cerrada
          Dissertation entity: Universitat Ramón Llull
          City: Barcelona
          Country: Spain
          Dissertation date: Abril 12 , 2024
        • 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
          *Without information.

      Chapter 5. Other Activities   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 5.1 EES-UETP    Expandir/Contraer

        • 5.2 International Exchanges    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.3 Visiting professors    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.4 Visiting students    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Author(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity description: Permanent member of Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation - SAAEI
            Funding entity:
            Date: September 1999- Today
            *Author(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity description: Editor of IET Power Electronics
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            Funding entity:
            City: Stevenage
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: October 2007- Today
        • 5.9 Other Activities    Expandir/Contraer

            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 1987- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 1988- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 1989- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 1991- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Fellow
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: March 1998- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Delegate expert in ISO / TC 213 Committee «Geometrical Product Specification and verification»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 1999- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Spanish Steering Committee of CIGRE
            Organizer: International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)
            City: Paris
            Country: France
            Date: January 2000- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)
            City: Paris
            Country: France
            Date: January 2000- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pedro Linares Llamas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
            City: Ankara
            Country: Turkey
            Date: January 2000- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Director of Energy Training
            Organizer: European University Institute. Florence School of Regulation
            City: Florence
            Country: Italy
            Date: March 2001- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Standardization Technical Committee 143 «Adhesives»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2002- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Active member
            Organizer: Real Academia Española de Ingeniería
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2003- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Council Member. www.eeinstitute.org. A think tank of academics with the purpose of advising the European Commission on energy matters.
            Organizer: European Energy Institute
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: March 2004- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator
            Organizer: Red Temática de Optimización bajo Incertidumbre (ReTOBI)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2005- Today
            *Researcher(s): Asunción Paloma Cucala García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Spanish Railway Technology Platform
            Organizer: Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Editorial Board of the «Anales de Mecánica y Electricidad» journal
            Organizer: Asociación de Ingenieros del ICAI
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of The Power System Economics Subcommittee (under PSOPE Committee)
            Organizer: IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES)
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2007- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Vocal in Technical Committee of Normalization CTN 207 «Transport and distribution of electricity», Subcommittee 57-205A in «Power Control and communication systems associates»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2007- Today
            *Researcher(s): Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Senior Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2008- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Scientific Advisory Board
            Organizer: Instituto de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC))
            City: Porto
            Country: Portugal
            Date: October 2008- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator of Electrical Energy Systems
            Organizer: University Enterprise Training Partnership (EES-UETP)
            City: Porto
            Country: Portugal
            Date: January 2009- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: President of the Spanish Chapter of the Power Engineering Society
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Seville
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2009- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Senior Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Fernando de Cuadra García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Governing Board
            Organizer: Asociación/Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Fernando de Cuadra García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Patronage
            Organizer: Fundación Universidad Loyola Andalucía
            City: Seville
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pedro Linares Llamas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Co-Director
            Organizer: Economics for Energy
            City: Vigo
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Scientific Committee
            Organizer: Economics for Energy
            City: Vigo
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Committee on Energy and Engineering Arbitration and Mediation
            Organizer: Asociación Europea de Arbitraje (AEADE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator of Courses Committee of EES-UETP
            Organizer: University Enterprise Training Partnership (EES-UETP)
            City: Porto
            Country: Portugal
            Date: January 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Expert Advisory Group for the Director General for Energy of the European Commission for the development of the Roadmap 2050 Energy
            Organizer: Comisión Europea
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: May 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy» journal. Editorial Board.
            Organizer: International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
            City: Stockholm
            Country: Sweden
            Date: May 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Vocal in Technical Committee of Normalization CTN 207 SC 13 «Instruments for measuring electrical energy and load control»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Expert in Technical Committee IEC/TC 57/WG 15 «Data and communication security»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Expert in Technical Committee IEC/TC 57/WG 10 «Power system IED communication and associated data models»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Expert in Technical Committee IEC/TC 57/WG 21 «System interfaces and communication protocol profiles relevant for systems connected to the Smart Grid»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Vocal of Technical Committee of Normalization CTN 203/SC 9X «Electrical and electronic applications for railways»
            Organizer: Asociación Española de Normalización - UNE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Romano Giannetti
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Working Group Metrology and Health
            Organizer: Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the International Advisory Board
            Organizer: Enel Fundación
            City: Rome
            Country: Italy
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the «Journal of Adhesion»
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
            City: Philadelphia
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Reviewer of Catenary Lines for the European Railway Interoperability. Título del Comité: OCL Survey Group.
            Organizer: European Railway Agency (ERA)
            City: Valenciennes
            Country: France
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Board
            Organizer: ONGAWA
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
            Organizer: WAME & EXPO 2015
            City: Milano
            Country: Italy
            Date: July 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Applied Adhesion Science» journal
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Heidelberg
            Country: Germany
            Date: July 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Board of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Scientific Coordinator
            Organizer: Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos
            City: Alicante
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Cost Action Management Committee TD1207
            Organizer: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: December 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
            City: Philadelphia
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Yolanda Ballesteros Iglesias
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: External collaborator on the Acoustic and Vibration Group (GAV)
            Organizer: Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto
            City: Rio Cuarto
            Country: Argentina
            Date: May 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Yolanda Ballesteros Iglesias
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Honorary professor
            Organizer: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of IRCOBI Council
            Organizer: International Research council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI)
            City: Zurich
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: September 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Expert in Technical Committee CENELEC/TC9X «Railway Applications»/WG11 «Energy measurement»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Director of the On-line Course on Regulation of the Power Sector
            Organizer: Florence School of Regulation; Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Online
            Country: Online
            Date: February 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Senior Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: February 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga, Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Papeles de Energía» journal
            Organizer: FUNCAS
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga, Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Papeles de Energía» journal
            Organizer: FUNCAS
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: IEEE PES DER Subcommittee
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Forum on University Education on Standardization (EUE Forum)
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Board of Directors
            Organizer: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)
            City: Chicago
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Visiting professor. Sloan School of Management
            Organizer: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
            City: Cambridge
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Cost Action Management Committee TU1407
            Organizer: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Young Professionals
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator of the group on Health Metrology of AENOR on CTN 82/SC2/GT 4 BioMet
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Vocal of Technical Committee of Normalization CTN 82 «Metrology and Calibration»
            Organizer: AENOR
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Training Academy Advisory Board
            Organizer: Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: March 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems»
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: May 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator of the forum on Metrology Clinical on AEC
            Organizer: Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Leader of Annex 8 of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)
            Organizer: International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)
            City: New Delhi
            Country: India
            Date: October 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Asunción Paloma Cucala García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of ICAITREN Committee
            Organizer: Asociación de Ingenieros de ICAI
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Cossent Arín
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of BRIDGE Working Group in representation of Integrid project
            Organizer: European Commission
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: April 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pedro Linares Llamas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Committee of experts on energy transition scenarios
            Organizer: Ministerio de Energía Turismo y Agenda Digital
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: July 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member at large, Executive Committee, Board of Directors
            Organizer: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)
            City: Chicago
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Working Group on Digital Transformation
            Organizer: Círculo de Empresarios
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Director of the MOOC (Massive On-line Open Course) on "Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7”
            Organizer: Florence School of Regulation
            City: Florence
            Country: Italy
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES)
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Working Group 2018-3
            Organizer: Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution (CIRED)
            City: Liege
            Country: Belgium
            Date: March 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Board
            Organizer: Payne Institute for Earth Resources. Colorado School of Mines.
            City: Golden
            Country: United States of America
            Date: May 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: President of Council
            Organizer: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)
            City: Zurich
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: June 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Renedo Anglada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: November 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luiz Augusto Nobrega Barroso
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
            Organizer: PSR Soluçoes e Consultoria em Energia Ltda
            City: Rio de Janeiro
            Country: Brazil
            Date: January 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Renedo Anglada
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Working Group C4B4.52 «Guidelines for sub-synchronous oscillation studies in power electronics dominated power systems»
            Organizer: International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE)
            City: Paris
            Country: France
            Date: January 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Frías Marín
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Academic Council of AEDIVE
            Organizer: Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo e Impulso de la Movilidad Eléctrica (AEDIVE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: member of the Guiding Group of Futured
            Organizer: FUTURED
            City: Zaragoza
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Journal of Advanced Joining Processes»
            Organizer: Elsevier B.V.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: October 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Secretary of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Power & Energy Society - IEEE PES
            Organizer: IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES)
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: October 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Italian Observatory on Energy Poverty (OIPE)
            Organizer: Centro Studi di Economia e Tecnica dell’Energia «Giorgio Levi Cases» de Università di Padova
            City: Padua
            Country: Italy
            Date: October 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier Reneses Guillén
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the «Energies» journal
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luiz Augusto Nobrega Barroso
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Fellow
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Frías Marín
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of «Smart Grids and Microgrids» Section of the «Energies» journal
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): Mariano Ventosa Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Council of Science and Technology
            Organizer: Consejería de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación. Comunidad de Madrid
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Rodilla Rodríguez
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Director of MBA in the Global Energy Industry
            Organizer: Iberdrola; Universidad Pontificia Comillas; y Strathclyde University
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Research Group on Transhumanism and Human Enhancement
            Organizer: Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
            City: Santiago de Chile
            Country: Chile
            Date: December 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Non-executive Director
            Organizer: Konexa
            City: Abuja
            Country: Nigeria
            Date: December 2020- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of «Techno Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review» journal
            Organizer: Global Knowledge Academics
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Board of the H2020 WHY project
            Organizer: Universidad de Deusto
            City: Bilbao
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Board of the H2020 WHY project
            Organizer: Universidad de Deusto
            City: Bilbao
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Board of the H2020 WHY project
            Organizer: Universidad de Deusto
            City: Bilbao
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Matteo Troncia
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member and collaborator of BRIDGE Working Group in representation of H2020 project
            Organizer: European Commission
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: September 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Frías Marín
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Board member and Coordinator of the Zero-Emission Vehicle Industry working group
            Organizer: Madrid Green Urban Mobility Lab (MGUML)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: President
            Organizer: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)
            City: Chicago
            Country: United States of America
            Date: October 2021-October 2023
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the network of researchers CINETwork
            Organizer: Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Matteo Troncia
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Collaborator of FUTURED - Spanish Electrical Grid Platform initiative – Working Group 2
            Organizer: FUTURED
            City: Zaragoza
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Matteo Troncia
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Communication Working Group (CWP)
            Organizer: International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)
            City: New Delhi
            Country: India
            Date: January 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): María del Valle Varo García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Editorial and Dissemination Committee
            Organizer: Sociedad Española de Gravitación y Relatividad (SEGRE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Timo Gerres
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Advisory Group of WG 2 on Low-carbon standards
            Organizer: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
            City: Online
            Country: Online
            Date: January 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Daniel Lewis Wuebben
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: ISGAN Communications Working Group Manager
            Organizer: International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)
            City: Unknown
            Country: Unknown
            Date: June 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Interim Director
            Organizer: African School of Regulation (ASR)
            City: Florence
            Country: Italy
            Date: July 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Editorial Board of the journal «Accident Analysis and Prevention»
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: October 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Section Editor of «Energy Infrastructures» at «Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports» Journal
            Organizer: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of «Directory of Fuel Poverty Researchers»
            Organizer: Fuel Poverty Research Network (FPRN)
            City: Unknown
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: November 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): María del Valle Varo García
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Mentor of the "MatEsElla" programme
            Organizer: Real Sociedad Matemática Española
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Board of Directors
            Organizer: Asociación Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía (MAUE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member
            Organizer: Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Expert Advisory List
            Organizer: Comisión Regional de Interconexión Eléctrica
            City: Guatemala City
            Country: Guatemala
            Date: June 2023-June 2025
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Climate READi Equity and Climate Justice Working Group
            Organizer: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
            City: Palo Alto
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of Climate READi Equity and Climate Justice Working Group
            Organizer: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
            City: Palo Alto
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Timo Gerres
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
            Organizer: University of Zagreb; University of Lisbon
            City: Dubrovnik
            Country: Croatia
            Date: September 2023
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the European Experts group of the H2020 WHY project
            Organizer: Universidad de Deusto
            City: Bilbao
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pedro Linares Llamas
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Editor in Chief of the journal «The Energy Journal»
            Organizer: International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
            City: Cleveland
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2024- Today
            *Researcher(s): María Ana Sáenz Nuño
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Coordinator of the workshop on "Virtual reality. The Imperial College Library". Seminario de Investigación. El Colegio Imperial de Madrid. Patrimonio cultural y humanidades digitales.
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Relevant position
            Description: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the TU Graz Research Center for Energy Economics and Energy Analytics
            City: Graz
            Country: Austria
            Date: July 2024
            *Researcher(s): Régulo Enrique Ávila Martínez
            Activity type: Grant awards
            Description: PRE2019-088084 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future"
            Date: September 2020-August 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: External course
            Module: Smart grids. Use cases and applications
            Course: Training School on Energy Transition
            Organizer: Florence School of Regulation Global (FSR)
            City: Online
            Country: Online
            Date: September 2023
            *Researcher(s): Carlos Batlle López
            Activity type: Director of awared final project
            Description: Best TFM award on the «Final Master's Thesis Challenge in 3 minutes (TFM in 3')» TFM Supervisor «Diseño de mecanismo de casación alternativo para un ME regional en un contexto de subsidios nacionales» by M.A. Barruso
            Organizer: IEEE Power and Energy Society - IEEE PES
            City: Barcelona
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: From Madrid to MIT to illuminate Africa (and much more)
            Issue: La Razón. Madrid.
            Organizer: Audiovisual Española 2000 S.A.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The future is in our hands
            Issue: Revista Comillas. Nº111, p.46-49.
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Energy poverty continued growing in Spain in 2022
            Issue: Cadena Cope. La linterna.
            Organizer: Grupo COPE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Energy poverty is talked about
            Issue: Radio Nacional. Radio 1. Las tardes de RNE.
            Organizer: Radio Nacional de España (RNE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Energy poverty study
            Issue: Capital, la Bolsa y la Vida
            Organizer: Capital Radio Economía, S.L.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Carlos Romero Mora, Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: In 2022, about 8 million people could not keep their homes at an adequate temperature
            Issue: Las mañanas de RNE.
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Carlos Romero Mora, Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: In 2022, about 8 million people could not keep their homes at an adequate temperature
            Issue: Las mañanas de RNE.
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: More than 4 million Spaniards will not be able to pay their electricity or gas bills in 2022
            Issue: Herrera en Cope.
            Organizer: Grupo COPE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The Spanish energy poverty indicators report 2022
            Issue: Radio Asturias. Asturias hoy
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión del Principado de Asturias
            City: Gijon
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The Region of Murcia, at the front of the number of households in severe energy poverty in the whole of Spain
            Issue: Cadena Ser. Hora 14 Región de Murcia.
            Organizer: Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión, S.L.U.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Why is it important to raise the SMI to combat energy poverty in Spain?
            Issue: Capital, la Bolsa y la Vida. La entrevista capital.
            Organizer: Capital Radio Economía, S.L.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Murcia tops the list of regions with the highest levels of severe energy poverty
            Issue: Onda Regional. Noticias.
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión de la Región de Murcia
            City: Murcia
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Health technologies
            Issue: Diagnóstico T4/E14. Desde el min 20.53
            Organizer: Radio Televisión de Castilla y León, S.A.
            City: Valladolid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Ana María Megía Macías
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: An experimental treatment... to be cured with plasma
            Issue: La Razón. Madrid.
            Organizer: Audiovisual Española 2000 S.A.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: 1X01 - Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Issue: ¿Quién hay ahí?
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2024
            *Researcher(s): Ana María Megía Macías
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Medical use of plasma
            Issue: Cadena Ser. Hora 25.
            Organizer: Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión, S.L.U.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2024
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Palacios Hielscher
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Artificial intelligence and warfare skyrocket cyber attacks
            Issue: La Razón. Madrid.
            Organizer: Audiovisual Española 2000 S.A.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The influence of social media in politics
            Issue: Trece. La gran pregunta. (desde min. 32.40).
            Organizer: Radio Popular S.A. - COPE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2024
            *Researcher(s): Pedro Linares Llamas
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: New editor-in-chief of The Energy Journal
            Issue: 1, 2, 3, Comillas.(desde el min 1,02)
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Artificial intelligence
            Issue: Diócesis Málaga. Noticias.
            Organizer: Diócesis de Málaga
            City: Malaga
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2024
            *Researcher(s): Ana María Megía Macías
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Clinical trial of cold atmospheric plasma
            Issue: Canal CODEM Madrid.
            Organizer: Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Madrid (CODEM)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: 1X01 - Neuralink - the beginning of the bionic brain?
            Issue: El mundo está loco, loco, loco
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: February 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Electricity access is a moral imperative
            Issue: El País. Planeta Futuro
            Organizer: Ediciones El Pais, S.L.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): David Alfaya Sánchez
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: IA In the education sector and a new commercial journey into space
            Issue: La Cope. Lo que viene.
            Organizer: Radio Popular S.A. - COPE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Luis Sancha Gonzalo
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Electricity in April is the cheapest
            Issue: TVE. Telediario 1
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Luis Sancha Gonzalo
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: Self-consumption of solar energy: Are companies in trouble?
            Issue: Canal 24 Horas. Diario 24 Horas. Min 12.11
            Organizer: Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The risks of AI
            Issue: Noticias Cuatro.
            Organizer: Conecta5 Telecinco, S.A.U.
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Press, TV and Radio Interviews
            Description: The relevance of AI to the Church
            Issue: La Cope. Ecclesia al Día. Min 10.43
            Organizer: Radio Popular S.A. - COPE
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: Research proposal evaluator
            Description: Energy and Transport Area
            Organizer: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar
            Activity type: Project evaluator
            Organizer: Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP)
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Mario Castro Ponce
            Activity type: Project evaluator
            Organizer: Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2007- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Project evaluator
            Description: Accredited project by TÜV Rheinland for the certification I+D+i
            Organizer: TÜV Rheinland
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Prize
            Description: Outstanding Reviewer Award on 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems - RecSys 2023
            Organizer: Association for Computing Machinery - ACM
            City: Singapore
            Country: Singapore
            Date: September 2023
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Prize
            Description: Feature paper on Energies journal «Assessing the Impact of Shallow Renovation on Energy Poverty: A Primary Data Study»
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Roberto Barrella, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Prize
            Description: Feature paper on Energies journal «Assessing the Impact of Shallow Renovation on Energy Poverty: A Primary Data Study»
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Miguel Angel Barruso Recuero
            Activity type: Prize
            Description: Best TFM award on the "Final Master's Thesis Challenge in 3 minutes (TFM in 3')". «Diseño de mecanismo de casación alternativo para un ME regional en un contexto de subsidios nacionales» .
            Organizer: IEEE Power and Energy Society - IEEE PES
            City: Barcelona
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Calvo Báscones
            Activity type: Prize
            Description: Honorary Distinction to the best Doctoral Thesis on Engineering. «Inclusive methodologies for anomaly detection and prognosis of industrial systems based on behavior patterns, smart indicators and digital twin ecosystems».
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2024
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Book launch
            Description: Indicators of energy poverty, Spain 2022. Presentación de informe. .
            Organizer: Catedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Book launch
            Description: Indicators of energy poverty, Spain 2022. Presentación de informe. .
            Organizer: Catedra de Energía y Pobreza. Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Electric Power Applications
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hartford
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 1989- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Power Electronics
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 1989- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Electronics Letters
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 1989- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Electric Power Systems Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2003- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: March 2003- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Journal of Operational Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2005- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Technology Information
            Organizer: Centro de Información Tecnológica (CIT)
            City: La Serena
            Country: Chile
            Date: January 2005- Today
            *Researcher(s): Romano Giannetti
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Physiological Measurement
            Organizer: IOP Publishing Ltd.
            City: Bristol
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Romano Giannetti
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Romano Giannetti
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Medical and Biomedical Engineering
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Heidelberg
            Country: Germany
            Date: January 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Romano Giannetti
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: April 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2006- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Injury Prevention
            Organizer: BMJ Publishing Group
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2008- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Journal of Operational Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: September 2008- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
            Organizer: American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
            City: Troy
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2009- Today
            *Researcher(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: May 2009- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Engineering Optimization
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Ltd
            City: Abingdon
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: July 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: December 2010- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Adhesion
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
            City: Abingdon
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
            Organizer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy Policy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Generation,Transmission and Distribution
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Quebec
            Country: Canada
            Date: November 2011- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Biomechanics
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Traffic Injury Prevention
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Inc.
            City: Philadelphia
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Accident Analysis and Prevention
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (IJAP)
            Organizer: Hindawi Ltd.
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energies
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Journal of Operational Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Generation,Transmission and Distribution
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Quebec
            Country: Canada
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: TOP (International Journal of Operations Research)
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Berlin
            Country: Germany
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Annals of Operations Research
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Dordrecht
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy Economics
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: October 2012- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Gaceta Sanitaria
            Organizer: Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SESPAS)
            City: Mataró
            Country: Spain
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
            Organizer: Sage Publications Ltd.
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Adhesion Science
            Organizer: Springer
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Surface and Coatings Technology
            Organizer: Esevier Science S.A.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Surface Science
            Organizer: Elsevier Science B.V.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jaime Boal Martín-Larrauri
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Robotica
            Organizer: Cambridge Univ. Press
            City: New York
            Country: United States of America
            Date: February 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: February 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jaime Boal Martín-Larrauri
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Dordrecht
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: May 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
            Organizer: SAGE Journals
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: June 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Yolanda Ballesteros Iglesias
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Adhesion
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
            City: Philadelphia
            Country: United States of America
            Date: November 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Standard EN 50318. Título del Comité: SC9XC WG07.
            Organizer: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
            City: Brussels
            Country: Belgium
            Date: November 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Power Engineering Letters
            Organizer: IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES)
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: November 2013- Today
            *Researcher(s): Alexis Cantizano González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Fire Technology
            Organizer: Springer
            City: New York
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
            Organizer: Springer-Verlag, GmbH
            City: Heidelberg
            Country: Germany
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Testing and Evaluation
            Organizer: ASTM International
            City: West Conshohocken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Composites Part B: Engineering
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Measurement Science and Technology
            Organizer: IOP Publishing Ltd.
            City: Bristol
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Dordrecht
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Journal of Operational Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Electric Power Systems Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Ramón Rodríguez Pecharromán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: European Transactions on Electrical Power
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation
            Organizer: Institution of Engineering and Technology -IET
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: March 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jesús Jiménez Octavio
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
            City: Abingdon
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: May 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Sensors Journal
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: September 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: October 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: November 2014- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Science and Engineering of Composite Materials
            Organizer: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
            City: Berlin
            Country: Germany
            Date: January 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Polymer International
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Mathematical programming
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Heidelberg
            Country: Germany
            Date: January 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Ramón Rodríguez Pecharromán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Cossent Arín
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Utilities Policy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: May 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: June 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: July 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Electric Power Systems Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: October 2015- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Human Movement Science
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Composite Materials
            Organizer: Sage Publications Ltd.
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Advances in Polymer Technology
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Textile Research Journal
            Organizer: Sage Publications Ltd.
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Cellulose
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Dordrecht
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy Economics
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Operations Research
            Organizer: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
            City: Catonsville
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy Conversion and Management
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Ramón Rodríguez Pecharromán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Generation,Transmission and Distribution
            Organizer: Institute for Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Quebec
            Country: Canada
            Date: January 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energies
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: June 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energies
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: August 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Mathematical problems in Engineering
            Organizer: Hindawi Ltd
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: November 2016- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco José López Valdés
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Biomimetics
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Microscopy and Microanalysis
            Organizer: Cambridge Univ Press
            City: New York
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures
            Organizer: Semnan University
            City: Semnan
            Country: Iran
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Sonja Wogrin
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
            Organizer: Wiley-Blackwell
            City: Hoboken
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Ana María Megía Macías
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Review of Scientific Instruments
            Organizer: AIP Publishing LLC
            City: Melville
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Renedo Anglada
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: March 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: May 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Alexis Cantizano González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: August 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energy Conversion and Management
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: October 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Alexis Cantizano González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: October 2017- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Materials Processing Technology
            Organizer: Elsevier Science S.A.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Juan Carlos del Real Romero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems - IJEPES
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Energies
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Alexis Cantizano González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Thermal Engineering
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Ana María Megía Macías
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: January 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: February 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: April 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
            Organizer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
            City: Hertford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: May 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Electric Power Systems Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2018- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jaime Boal Martín-Larrauri
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Robotics and Autonomous Systems
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: January 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Alexis Cantizano González
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering. Section Thermal and Mass Transport, Fire Technology and Energy
            Organizer: Frontiers Media S.A.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: May 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Salvador Doménech Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Electric Power Systems Research
            Organizer: Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Lausanne
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: June 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Salvador Doménech Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: August 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Martín Martínez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Utilities Policy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: September 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Cryptologia
            Organizer: Taylor & Francis Group
            City: Philadelphia
            Country: United States of America
            Date: October 2019- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Operations Research Perspectives
            Organizer: Elsevier B.V.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: February 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Information Processing and Management
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: May 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Information Technology & Tourism
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Heidelberg
            Country: Germany
            Date: June 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Saeed Rezaeian-Marjani
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IET Renewable Power Generation
            Organizer: The Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET
            City: Stevenage
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: July 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Applied Energy
            Organizer: Elsevier SCI Ltd
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: September 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
            Organizer: Springer Nature
            City: London
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: September 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Jenny Alexandra Cifuentes Quintero
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: October 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
            Organizer: Springer
            City: Dordrecht
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: October 2021- Today
            *Researcher(s): Pablo Sánchez Pérez
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Geocarto International
            Organizer: Tailor & Francis Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: January 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Alberto Herrero Rozas
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
            Organizer: Elsevier Science BV.
            City: Amsterdam
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: February 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Saeed Rezaeian-Marjani
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
            Organizer: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. - IEEE
            City: Piscataway
            Country: United States of America
            Date: October 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Saeed Rezaeian-Marjani
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Scientia Iranica
            Organizer: Sharif University Technology
            City: Tehran
            Country: Iran
            Date: November 2022- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Hydrogen
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: March 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: June 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: World Electric Vehicle Journal
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Modelling
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: November 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Simón Rodríguez Santana
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: 37th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - NeurIPS 2023
            Organizer: Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation
            City: New Orleans
            Country: United States of America
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: December 2023- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Nutrients
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2024- Today
            *Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Sustainability
            Organizer: MDPI AG
            City: Basel
            Country: Switzerland
            Date: January 2024- Today
            *Researcher(s): Luis Alberto Herrero Rozas
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
            Organizer: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd.
            City: Oxford
            Country: United Kingdom
            Date: February 2024- Today
            *Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: Young Universities for the Future of Europe
            Organizer: European Science Foundation
            City: Strasbourg
            Country: France
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): Simón Rodríguez Santana
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: 12th International Conference on Learning Representations - ICLR 2024
            City: Vienna
            Country: Austria
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Simón Rodríguez Santana
            Activity type: Journal/document reviewer
            Description: 41st International Conference on Machine Learning - ICML 2024
            City: Vienna
            Country: Austria
            Date: July 2024
            *Researcher(s): Antonio Bello Morales, José Portela González
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Moreno Carbonell, S. «Multi-region probabilistic electric load forecasting using coherent temperature scenarios »
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2023
            *Researcher(s): Antonio Bello Morales, José Portela González
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Moreno Carbonell, S. «Multi-region probabilistic electric load forecasting using coherent temperature scenarios »
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: October 2023
            *Researcher(s): Fernando de Cuadra García, Pablo Frías Marín
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Ziegler, D.U. «Long-term active distribution network planning with high shares of distributed energy resources»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Fernando de Cuadra García, Pablo Frías Marín
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Ziegler, D.U. «Long-term active distribution network planning with high shares of distributed energy resources»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Pablo Rodilla Rodríguez
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Orgaz Gil, A. «Multi-area electricity market modeling using intelligent data techniques and an advanced temporal framework»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Pablo Rodilla Rodríguez
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Orgaz Gil, A. «Multi-area electricity market modeling using intelligent data techniques and an advanced temporal framework»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Cossent Arín, Pablo Dueñas Martínez
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Morell Dameto, N.M. «Distribution network tariff design under decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Cossent Arín, Pablo Dueñas Martínez
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Morell Dameto, N.M. «Distribution network tariff design under decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: November 2023
            *Researcher(s): Mario Castro Ponce, Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Pizarroso Gonzalo, J. «Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques based on partial derivatives with applications to neural networks»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Mario Castro Ponce, Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Pizarroso Gonzalo, J. «Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques based on partial derivatives with applications to neural networks»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Palacios Hielscher, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: González García, A. « A comprehensive decision support framework for the provision of universal access to modern power services in developing countries»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): Rafael Palacios Hielscher, José Carlos Romero Mora
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: González García, A. « A comprehensive decision support framework for the provision of universal access to modern power services in developing countries»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Álvarez-Monteserín García, J.A. «Desarrollo de la metodología “DSRM-MML”, de seguimiento continuo de la degradación de un BESS operando en regulación»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): Ignacio Egido Cortés, Francisco Miguel Echavarren Cerezo
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Ávila Martínez, R. E. «Control of grid-forming vsc-based generators to improve transient stability in power systems with 100% non-synchronous generation»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Ignacio Egido Cortés, Francisco Miguel Echavarren Cerezo
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Ávila Martínez, R. E. «Control of grid-forming vsc-based generators to improve transient stability in power systems with 100% non-synchronous generation»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Rafael Palacios Hielscher
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: De Santos Yubero, H. «Nuevos enfoques para la monitorización y el dimensionamiento de aisladores de alta tensión»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Rafael Palacios Hielscher
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: De Santos Yubero, H. «Nuevos enfoques para la monitorización y el dimensionamiento de aisladores de alta tensión»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist, Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Jankovic, N. « Power oscillation damping with converter interfaced generation»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist, Aurelio García Cerrada
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Jankovic, N. « Power oscillation damping with converter interfaced generation»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: April 2024
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Morán Río, D.P. «Contributions to the analysis and design of primary and secondary controllers of electronic power converters in power systems»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Lukas Sigrist, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Morán Río, D.P. «Contributions to the analysis and design of primary and secondary controllers of electronic power converters in power systems»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: May 2024
            *Researcher(s): Sara Lumbreras Sancho
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Pérez Sánchez, J. «Impact of Serious Games and causal Artificial Intelligence on social science research: a case study on cyberbullying»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2024
            *Researcher(s): Ignacio Egido Cortés
            Activity type: Dissertation committee to Comillas
            Description: Rodríguez Pérez, N. «Contribution to the analysis and evaluation of the digitalisation of smart grids»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: June 2024
            *Researcher(s): David Alfaya Sánchez
            Activity type: External dissertation committee
            Description: Shminke, B. «Applications of AI to study of finite algebraic structures and automated theorem proving»
            Organizer: Université Côte dAzur
            City: Nice
            Country: France
            Date: September 2023
            *Researcher(s): Javier García González
            Activity type: External dissertation committee. Presidente.
            Description: Paredes Parrilla, A. «Trading of flexibility products in multi-DSO and multi-scale electricity markets»
            Organizer: Universidad de Málaga
            City: Malaga
            Country: Spain
            Date: September 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: External dissertation committee
            Description: Potenciano Menci, S. «System organization and operation in the context of local flexibility markets at distribution level»
            Organizer: Université du Luxembourg
            City: Luxembourg
            Country: Luxembourg
            Date: December 2023
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: External dissertation committee. Oponente.
            Description: Mousavi, M. «Contract-based solutions for power system flexibility issues»
            Organizer: Luleå University of Technology
            City: Skellefteå
            Country: Sweden
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): José Pablo Chaves Ávila
            Activity type: External dissertation committee
            Description: Salazar Alava, E.J. «Programa de respuesta de la demanda como herramienta de flexibilidad en distribución»
            Organizer: Universidad Nacional de San Juan
            City: San Juan
            Country: Argentina
            Date: March 2024
            *Researcher(s): Tomás Gómez San Román
            Activity type: External dissertation committee
            Description: Hennig, R.J. « Congestion management and tariffs for electric distribution grids. Enablers of flexibility in the urban energy transition»
            Organizer: Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft)
            City: Delft
            Country: Netherlands
            Date: April 2024

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