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IIT Annual Academic Report Campaign

Course 2023 - 2024 - English Version

The information available of Dña.Stefanía Gómez Sánchez since September 01, 2023 to August 31, 2024 is showed below.

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Chapter 1. Organizational structure   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

  • 1.1 Management    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.2 Council    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.3 Area coordinators    Expandir/Contraer

      *Without information.
  • 1.4 Scientific advisory board    Expandir/Contraer

    • 1.5 Academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.6 Associated academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows    Expandir/Contraer

        *Name: Stefanía Gómez Sánchez
        Degree: Degree in Industrial Engineering. (Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, Colombia) Master’s Degree in Optimization. (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México)
    • 1.8 Areas of Research    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
        *Without information.
    • 1.9 Services staff    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
        *Not applicable.
      • 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
        *Not applicable.

    Chapter 2. Research   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

    • 2.1 Research Projects    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: FLEXENER_IBD-GEN_ESCENARIOS
        Project title: FLEXENER: New 100% renewable, flexible and robust energy system for the integration of new technologies in generation, networks and demand - Scenarios
        Funding entity: Iberdrola Generación España, S.A.U
        Start date: October 2020
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Michel Rivier Abbad, Tomás Gómez San Román, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, Francisco Martín Martínez, Andrés Ramos Galán, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez, Leslie Herding, Teresa Freire Barceló
        Description: This project is part of the FLEXENER project. It corresponds to one of the activities of said project. The main objective of the FLEXENER project is to investigate new technologies and simulation models in the field of renewable generation, storage systems and flexible demand management and operation of the distribution network. A 100% renewable and decarbonised energy mix is ??sought, effectively integrated into the electrical system of the future in a flexible, efficient and safe way. In this context, this project or activity has been in charge of building future scenarios for 2030 that, based on the resources and technological equipment available at that time, determine an optimal mix of renewable generation technologies, storage systems and energy management. the demand that allows covering the demand for electricity with sufficient guarantees of supply reliability. These scenarios have served to feed other activities of the FLEXENER Project that analyze aspects of the detailed electrotechnical behavior of the electrical networks in these conditions to investigate the technical feasibility of the system and explore possible solutions to the technical problems they present.
      • Public funding
        *Abbreviated name: HESIME
        Project title: Day-ahead market price simulation tool [HESIME] (CPP2022-009809)
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) /10.13039/501100011033, y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRTR
        Start date: April 2023
        End date: March 2026
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez, Pedro Sánchez Martín
        Description: The objective of the HESIME project is the research, definition, design and development of a disruptive system for simulating the behaviour of the daily market in Spain for future years (horizons 2030 and 2050) considering different scenarios of system evolution based on the use of artificial intelligence techniques, mathematical programming and the application of advanced algorithms based on the above. HESIME will make it possible to anticipate the behaviour of the market, given its current design, depending on the energy policies that are planned to be applied, with a reliability never before achieved. This tool will make it possible to calculate the price signals produced by the market, which are critical for investment planning and their impact on consumers, as well as the operating regimes of each existing technology or new technology entering the electricity system.

        Grant Day-ahead market price simulation tool [HESIME] (CPP2022-009809) funded by MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

      • 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: AFRICA_COST_ALLOC
        Project title: Quantitative assessment of Regional Cost Allocation Methods in the West African Power Pool
        Funding entity: CESI S.p.A
        Start date: July 2023
        End date: July 2024
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Mohamed Abbas Eltahir Elabbas, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez
        Description: Application of several methodologies for the computation of electricity transmission tariffs to allocate the cost of the regional transmission grid in the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP). Analysis of the results and derivation of relevant policy conclusions.
        *Abbreviated name: REPSOL_PRED_PRECIOS
        Project title: Electricity Market Modelling
        Funding entity: REPSOL S.A
        Start date: November 2023
        End date: April 2024
        Researcher(s): Luis Olmos Camacho, Andrés Ramos Galán, Stefanía Gómez Sánchez
        Description: The objective of this collaboration is to develop a tool focused on determining the evolution of prices in the Spanish peninsular electricity system markets in the 2023 to 2050 horizon, as well as to apply this tool to a case, or set of scenarios, representative of the possible evolution of the Spanish system. This tool must consider an evolution of those factors that have a relevant impact on prices that is consistent with the evolution projections of the electricity system developed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) within the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 and the Long Term Decarbonization Strategy 2050.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
      • 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
    • 2.2 Publications    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.2.1 Books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.2 Chapters in books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
        *Author(s): S. Gómez, L. Olmos
        Title: Coordination of generation and transmission expansion planning in a liberalized electricity context — coordination schemes, risk management, and modelling strategies: a review
        Journal: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
        Vol & Num: vol. 64
        Pages: 103731-1-103731-16
        ISSN: 2213-1388
        Publication date: March 2024/April 2024
      • 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
        *Author(s): S. Gómez, L. Olmos, A. Ramos, M. Rivier
        Title: A bi-level framework to analyse the use of FTRs as a long-term risk hedging instrument in the European electricity context
        Date: June 2024
        Reference: IIT-24-181WP
      • 2.2.6 Other Publications
        *Without information.
    • 2.3 Software Products    Expandir/Contraer

      Chapter 3. Teaching   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
          *Without information.
        • 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
          *Without information.
      • 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.2.1 Master Courses
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • Master in Environment and Energy Transition
          *Without information.
      • 3.3 Other Academic Activities    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.3.1 External Master Courses
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.

      Chapter 4. Doctorate   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.2 Training complements    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.3 Training activities    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.4 Doctoral Theses    Expandir/Contraer

        • 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
          *Without information.

      Chapter 5. Other Activities   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 5.1 EES-UETP    Expandir/Contraer

        • 5.2 International Exchanges    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.3 Visiting professors    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.4 Visiting students    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.9 Other Activities    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.

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        Spanish Version