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Campaña de la Memoria Académica Anual del IIT

Curso 2023 - 2024 - Versión en Inglés

A continuación se muestra la información disponible de Dr.D.Antonio Muñoz San Roque en el peridodo de tiempo desde el 1 de septiembre de 2023 hasta el 31 de agosto de 2024.

Esta información se va a emplear para elaborar la Memoria Académica Anual del IIT, la Memoria de Investigación de Comillas y tu Curriculum Vitae, por lo que es muy importante que sea correcta y esté completa. Todos los campos que se muestran en cada referencia deben tener información, a menos que se indique lo contrario (p.ej. "No aplica"). Por favor, complétala. Comprueba también que la información se muestra en el apartado correcto.

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Chapter 1. Organizational structure   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

  • 1.1 Management    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.2 Council    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.3 Area coordinators    Expandir/Contraer

      *Without information.
  • 1.4 Scientific advisory board    Expandir/Contraer

    • 1.5 Academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Name: Antonio Muñoz San Roque
        Category: Professor
        Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Comillas)
        Electrical Engineer (Comillas)
        Areas of Interest: Time series forecasting. Machine learning. Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to the operation and maintenance of industrial processes. Electricity markets analysis and optimal operation.
        ICAI Department: DEAC
    • 1.6 Associated academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.8 Areas of Research    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
        *Without information.
    • 1.9 Services staff    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
        *Not applicable.
      • 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
        *Not applicable.

    Chapter 2. Research   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

    • 2.1 Research Projects    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: CE_AIAM
        Project title: ENDESA Chair for applications of artificial intelligence to data-driven maintenance
        Funding entity: Endesa Generación, S.A
        Start date: January 2023
        End date: December 2026
        Researcher(s): Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Antonio Muñoz San Roque, Francisco Javier Bellido López, Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda, Álvaro Jesús López López
        Description: The main goal of the Chair is to help ENDESA, in particular, and the energy sector in general, to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence by generating knowledge and disseminating it to society. Its main objectives are to investigate and share AI applications in the Maintenance and Management of generation assets to facilitate the energy transition towards a long-term sustainable model following the Sustainable Development Goals.
        *Abbreviated name: ENDESA_PROTECCIONES_2023
        Project title: Design and implementation of an algorithm for power line protection under high penetration of renewables
        Funding entity: Gas y Electricidad Generación S.A.
        Start date: April 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Antonio Muñoz San Roque, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Lukas Sigrist, José Portela González
        Description: The objective of this project is the design and implementation of an algorithm for the protection of power lines in conditions of high penetration of RES. The proposed algorithm is based on the application of Machine Learning techniques for the detection and classification of faults based on a set of fault scenarios obtained both from real records and through simulation.
        *Abbreviated name: Proyecto_ACM_2023_05
        Project title: Analysis and prediction of offshore wind farm generation using machine learning techniques
        Funding entity: Comillas
        Start date: June 2023
        End date: May 2024
        Researcher(s): Antonio Muñoz San Roque, José Portela González, Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda, Eloy Jesús del Gran Poder Insunza Díaz
        Description: The objective of this research is twofold. On the one hand, meteorological data as well as wind turbine data will be analyzed. On the other hand, power generation prediction models will be created using different AI algorithms. For the study, wind data from the Alpha Ventus wind farm off the coast of Hamburg will be used. Finally, the prediction results using different algorithms will be compared.
        *Abbreviated name: HADES_2023
        Project title: Development of a functional time series model for forecasting residual demand curves in the Spanish day-ahead market
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: September 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): José Portela González, Antonio Muñoz San Roque, Alejandro Polo Molina
        Description: The aim of the proposed collaboration is the development and implementation of a deterministic prediction model for residual demand curves in the day-ahead market. The model is a functional time series prediction model specifically designed for curve predictions in the market, taking into account the impact of the most relevant explanatory variables, as well as the temporal dynamics of the offers.
        *Abbreviated name: HADES_2024_S1
        Project title: Forecasting and characterization of offer strategies in the Spanish real-time constraint market
        Funding entity: Endesa SA: Energy & Commodity Management Iberia
        Start date: March 2024
        End date: July 2024
        Researcher(s): José Portela González, Antonio Muñoz San Roque, Eloy Jesús del Gran Poder Insunza Díaz
        Description: This project aims to identify an optimal strategy for modeling and predicting the allocation of groups in the Spanish real-time constraint market and its Portuguese equivalent. To achieve this, residual demand curves will be established to characterize the offer strategy of agents in these markets, characterized by being a "Pay as Bid" system.
      • Public funding
        *Abbreviated name: RETOSCOL-RC4ALL-2020
        Project title: RC4ALL: Responsible consumption for all
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)
        Start date: May 2020
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda, Antonio Muñoz San Roque, José Portela González, Ignacio Navas Pascual, Francisco Rodríguez Cuenca
        Description: The main objective of the RC4ALL project (Responsible Consumption for All) is to develop a system that, based on the specific information on consumption per device of a relatively small number of representative customers and complementing it with information from external sources, is capable of generating personalized recommendations that improve the efficiency of consumption for the entire customer base of the company. Machine Learning and Big Data techniques will be used.

        Project Retos- Colaboración RTC2019-007380-3 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI) and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)

        *Abbreviated name: RETOSINV-chronic-IoT-2020
        Project title: Development of movement behavior models of complex chronic patients
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)
        Start date: June 2020
        End date: November 2023
        Researcher(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda, Rafael Palacios Hielscher, Antonio Muñoz San Roque, José Portela González, Carlos Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Alejandro Polo Molina
        Description: The aim of this project, coordinated with Virgen del Rocío University Hospital (HUVR), is to investigate how the deterioration of mobility may reflect changes in the patient's clinical condition, and its degeneration in the domain of integrated care of complex chronic patient. To fulfill this objective, an IoT infrastructure and information system is developed. Based on the collected data on patients mobility, machine learning techniques are applied to create patterns capable of modeling and characterizing movement in the patients in order to explain aspects of the clinical evolution of patients.

        Project PID2019-110747RB-C22/ funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

      • 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
      • 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
      • Private funding
        *Without information.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
    • 2.2 Publications    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.2.1 Books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.2 Chapters in books
        *Author(s): A. Muñoz, J. Portela, E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, G. Mestre
        Chapter title: Análisis y predicción de curvas agregadas de oferta y demanda en el mercado eléctrico europeo
        Book title: Predicción y decisiones económicas con Big Data
        Editors: Peña Sánchez de Rivera, Daniel; et al.,
        Publisher: Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS)
        Pages: 185-224
        ISBN: 978-84-17609-79-5
        Publication date: June 2024
      • 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
        *Author(s): C. Álvarez-Romero, A. Polo-Molina, E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, C. Jiménez-de-Juan, M.P. Cuadri-Benitez, J.A. Rivas-González, J. Portela, R. Palacios, C. Rodríguez-Morcillo, A. Muñoz, C.L. Parra-Calderón, M.D. Nieto-Martin, M. Ollero-Baturone, C. Hernández-Quiles
        Title: Machine learning–based prediction of changes in the clinical condition of patients with complex chronic diseases: 2-phase pilot prospective single-center observational study
        Journal: JMIR Formative Research
        Vol & Num: vol. 8, nº. 1
        Pages: e52344-1-e52344-13
        ISSN: 2561-326X
        Publication date: April 2024/December 2024
        *Author(s): P. Moreno Alonso, I. Figuerola-Ferretti Garrigues, A. Muñoz
        Title: Forecasting oil prices with non-linear dynamic regression modeling
        Journal: Energies
        Vol & Num: vol. 17, nº. 9
        Pages: 2182-1-2182-29
        ISSN: 1996-1073
        Publication date: May 2024/May 2024
        *Author(s): M.C. Rubiales Mena, A. Muñoz, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, D. González-Calvo, T. Álvarez Tejedor
        Title: Application of ensemble machine learning techniques to the diagnosis of the combustion in a gas turbine
        Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering
        Vol & Num: vol. 249
        Pages: 123447-1-123447-16
        ISSN: 1359-4311
        Publication date: May 2024/July 2024
      • 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
        *Author(s): M.A. Sanz-Bobi, S. Orbach, F.J. Bellido-López, A. Muñoz, D. González-Calvo, T. Álvarez Tejedor
        Title: Anomaly detection of a cooling water pump of a power plant based on its virtual digital twin constructed with deep learning techniques
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 8th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society - PHME24
        City: Prague
        Country: Czech Republic
        Date: 03-05 July 2024
        ISBN: 978-1-936263-40-0
        *Author(s): G. Mestre, J. Portela, A. Muñoz, E. Alonso
        Title: Probabilistic functional forecasting of Residual Demand Curves in electricity markets
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 26th International Conference on Computational Statistics - COMPSTAT 2024
        City: Giessen
        Country: Germany
        Date: 27-30 August 2024
      • 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.6 Other Publications
        *Without information.
    • 2.3 Software Products    Expandir/Contraer

      Chapter 3. Teaching   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
          *Without information.
        • 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
          *Without information.
      • 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.2.1 Master Courses
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • Master in Environment and Energy Transition
          *Without information.
      • 3.3 Other Academic Activities    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.3.1 External Master Courses
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.

      Chapter 4. Doctorate   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.2 Training complements    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.3 Training activities    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.4 Doctoral Theses    Expandir/Contraer

        • 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
          *Title: Multi-region probabilistic electric load forecasting using coherent temperature scenarios
          Author: Santiago Moreno Carbonell
          Supervisor(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda and Antonio Muñoz San Roque
          Dissertation date: Octubre 27 , 2023
          *Title: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques based on partial derivatives with applications to neural networks
          Author: Jaime Pizarroso Gonzalo
          Supervisor(s): Antonio Muñoz San Roque and José Portela González
          Dissertation date: Diciembre 15 , 2023
        • 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
          *Without information.

      Chapter 5. Other Activities   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 5.1 EES-UETP    Expandir/Contraer

        • 5.2 International Exchanges    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.3 Visiting professors    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.4 Visiting students    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Author(s): Antonio Muñoz San Roque
            Activity description: Chairman in Presentation of the Kapsch Chair for Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility in «Jornada «Los retos de la investigación para una movilidad sostenible»»
            Organizer: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
            Funding entity:
            City: Madrid
            Country: Spain
            Date: March 2024
        • 5.9 Other Activities    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.

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        Versión en Español