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Campaña de la Memoria Académica Anual del IIT

Curso 2023 - 2024 - Versión en Inglés

A continuación se muestra la información disponible de Dr.D.Javier García González en el peridodo de tiempo desde el 1 de septiembre de 2023 hasta el 31 de agosto de 2024.

Esta información se va a emplear para elaborar la Memoria Académica Anual del IIT, la Memoria de Investigación de Comillas y tu Curriculum Vitae, por lo que es muy importante que sea correcta y esté completa. Todos los campos que se muestran en cada referencia deben tener información, a menos que se indique lo contrario (p.ej. "No aplica"). Por favor, complétala. Comprueba también que la información se muestra en el apartado correcto.

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[Expandir todo | Contraer todo]

Chapter 1. Organizational structure   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

  • 1.1 Management    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.2 Council    Expandir/Contraer

      *Not applicable.
  • 1.3 Area coordinators    Expandir/Contraer

      *Without information.
  • 1.4 Scientific advisory board    Expandir/Contraer

    • 1.5 Academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Name: Javier García González
        Category: Professor
        Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Comillas)
        Electrical Engineer (UPC)
        Areas of Interest: Decision support models in the electric power industry
        ICAI Department: DIE
    • 1.6 Associated academic staff    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows    Expandir/Contraer

        *Not applicable.
    • 1.8 Areas of Research    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
        *Without information.
      • 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
        *Without information.
    • 1.9 Services staff    Expandir/Contraer

      • 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
        *Not applicable.
      • 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
        *Not applicable.

    Chapter 2. Research   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

    • 2.1 Research Projects    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: 2023_EXCOM_Gurobi_Recic
        Project title: EXCOM: Adaptation of the model for execution with Gurobi and generation of water value curves for D+2
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: October 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Javier García González
        Description: The overall objective of the project is to enable the resolution of different EX-EX models using the GUROBI solver and to generate water value curves for day D and D+2 to address potential contingencies.
        *Abbreviated name: 2023_EXFACT_nuevo_SRS_Integridad
        Project title: EXFACT: Adaptation of the model for the new Secondary Regulation Service and verification of hydro data integrity
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: November 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Javier García González
        Description: The overall objective of the project is to adapt the EXFACT model to the new Secondary Regulation Service and implement a validation process for the integrity of hydraulic data received from various sources to ensure the feasibility of the solution.
        *Abbreviated name: 2024_EXSP_Cortocircuito_Hid
        Project title: Excom-Siroco Planning: Implementation of the hydraulic short circuit in turbine/pumping units
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: April 2024
        End date: June 2024
        Researcher(s): Javier García González, Andrés Felipe Oviedo Gómez
        Description: The general objective of the project is to make the necessary developments so that the production version of the Excom-Siroco Planning model (ExSp) allows the consideration of the hydraulic short circuit in turbine-pumping groups equipped for it.
      • Public funding
        *Abbreviated name: MCI_OptiREC
        Project title: OptiREC. Local markets for energy communities: designing efficient markets and assessing the integration from the electricity system perspective
        Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN)
        Start date: December 2022
        End date: July 2025
        Researcher(s): Andrés Ramos Galán, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Jesús María Latorre Canteli, Matteo Troncia, Seyedamir Mansouri, Orlando Mauricio Valarezo Rivera, Jesús José Fernández García, Javier García González, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy Mohammed Nour
        Description: The project address several of the challenges that limit the effectiveness and proliferation of energy communities. OptiREC develops methods, tools, and solutions for optimal design, operation, and integration into energy systems and energy markets for local energy communities. To ensure effective implementation, energy communities need to be assessed and integrated from several different perspectives. These aspects include the design and internal operation of the energy communities’ participants and assets, aggregation of energy communities and integration into distribution networks, as well as design and participation of local flexibility markets and participation in wholesale markets.

        Grant TED2021-131365B-C43 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”

      • 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: MTO-COR-CODEX-SIROCO-DESI-2023
        Project title: Assistance and maintenance of tools CODEX, SIROCO and DESI
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: January 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández, Efraim Centeno Hernáez, Luis Alberto Herrero Rozas, Enrique Lobato Miguélez, Javier García González
        Description: Assistance and maintenance of tools CODEX, SIROCO-Ofertas Y DESI developed by IIT for Endesa
        *Abbreviated name: MTO-COR-CODEX-SIROCO-DESI-2024
        Project title: Assistance and maintenance of tools CODEX, SIROCO and DESI
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: January 2024
        End date: December 2024
        Researcher(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández, Efraim Centeno Hernáez, Luis Alberto Herrero Rozas, Enrique Lobato Miguélez, Javier García González, José Portela González
        Description: Assistance and maintenance of tools CODEX, SIROCO-Ofertas Y DESI developed by IIT for Endesa
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
      • 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
      • Private funding
        *Abbreviated name: MTO-DECA-MODEM-HADES-EXLA-EXCOM-2023
        Project title: Technical support for the tools DECA, HADES and MODEM
        Funding entity: Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L
        Start date: January 2023
        End date: December 2023
        Researcher(s): Eugenio Francisco Sánchez Úbeda, José Portela González, Javier García González
        Description: The objective of this project is to provide ENDESA with technical support and maintenance of the tools DECA, MODEM, HADES, EXLA and EXCOM developed by IIT.
      • Public funding
        *Without information.
    • 2.2 Publications    Expandir/Contraer

      • 2.2.1 Books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.2 Chapters in books
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
        *Author(s): D. Domínguez-Barbero, J. García-González, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, A. García-Cerrada
        Title: Energy management of a microgrid considering nonlinear losses in batteries through Deep Reinforcement Learning
        Journal: Applied Energy
        Vol & Num: vol. 368
        Pages: 123435-1-123435-12
        ISSN: 0306-2619
        Publication date: May 2024/August 2024
        *Author(s): J. García-González, S. Guerrero
        Title: Optimal management of a microgrid Li-Ion battery considering non-linear losses using the Integer Zig-Zag formulation
        Journal: Electric Power Systems Research
        Vol & Num: vol. 235
        Pages: 110776-1-110776-8
        ISSN: 0378-7796
        Publication date: June 2024/October 2024
        *Author(s): P. Otaola-Arca, J. García-González, P. Linares
        Title: Optimal self-unit commitment with shared asset ownership under realistic taxation in the current decarbonization framework
        Journal: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
        Vol & Num: vol. 156
        Pages: 109713-1-109713-12
        ISSN: 0142-0615
        Publication date: December 2023/February 2024
      • 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
        *Author(s): S.A. Mansouri, E. Nematbakhsh, A. Ramos, J.P. Chaves, J. García-González, A.R. Jordehi
        Title: Bi-level mechanism for decentralized coordination of internet data centers and energy communities in local congestion management markets
        Type: Communication
        Congress: IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids - IEEE ETFG 2023
        City: Wollongong
        Country: Australia
        Date: 03-06 December 2023
        ISBN: 978-1-6654-7991-2
        *Author(s): J. García-González, S. Guerrero
        Title: Optimal management of a microgrid Li-Ion battery considering non-linear losses using the Integer Zig-Zag formulation
        Type: Communication
        Congress: XXIII Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2024
        City: Paris
        Country: France
        Date: 04-07 June 2024
        *Author(s): P. Linares, J.P. Chaves, J. García-González, A. Ramos, J.J. Valentín Vírseda
        Title: How much electricity storage does the energy transition need? The critical role of hydro availability, demand flexibility, and regulation
        Type: Communication
        Congress: 45th IAEE International Conference
        City: Istanbul
        Country: Turkey
        Date: 26-28 June 2024
      • 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
        *Without information.
      • 2.2.6 Other Publications
        *Without information.
    • 2.3 Software Products    Expandir/Contraer

      Chapter 3. Teaching   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
          *Title: Gestión óptima de una microred considerando pérdidas no lineales en la batería de ion de litio
          Author: García Pardo, María del Carmen
          Supervisor(s): Javier García González
        • 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
          *Without information.
      • 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.2.1 Master Courses
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Subject title: Operation of Electric Power Systems
          Lecturer(s): Efraim Centeno Hernáez, Javier García González, Michel Rivier Abbad
          *Subject title: Master Thesis
          Lecturer(s): Roberto Barrella, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Rafael Cossent Arín, Fernando de Cuadra García, Ignacio de Rodrigo Tobías, Pablo Dueñas Martínez, Antonio Fernández Cardador, Adrián Fernández Rodríguez, Aurelio García Cerrada, Javier García González, Tomás Gómez San Román, Lucía Güitta López, Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Pedro Linares Llamas, Álvaro Jesús López López, Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Javier Matanza Domingo, Carlos Mateo Domingo, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy Mohammed Nour, Valeria Karina Moreno, Luis Olmos Camacho, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas, Manuel Pérez Bravo, José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, José Carlos Romero Mora, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, Pablo Sánchez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Lukas Sigrist, Matteo Troncia, Carmen Valor Martínez, Juan Luis Zamora Macho
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Subject title: Fundamentals on electrical engineering and optimization techniques
          Lecturer(s): Francisco Alberto Campos Fernández, Javier García González
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
        • Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
          *Title: Gestión óptima de una batería de ion de litio mediante la formulación Zig-Zag para aproximar las funciones de pérdidas no lineales
          Author: Guerrero García, Salvador
          Supervisor(s): Javier García González
        • Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
          *Without information.
        • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
          *Without information.
        • MBA in the Global Energy Industry
          *Without information.
        • Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
          *Without information.
        • Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
          *Without information.
        • Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
          *Without information.
        • Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
          *Without information.
        • Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
          *Without information.
        • Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
          *Without information.
        • Master in Environment and Energy Transition
          *Without information.
      • 3.3 Other Academic Activities    Expandir/Contraer

        • 3.3.1 External Master Courses
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.

      Chapter 4. Doctorate   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.2 Training complements    Expandir/Contraer

          *Without information.
      • 4.3 Training activities    Expandir/Contraer

          *Subject title: Doctorado ICAI: Advanced Excel for applied research
          Lecturer(s): Javier García González
      • 4.4 Doctoral Theses    Expandir/Contraer

        • 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
          *Without information.
        • 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
          *Title: Modeling and Optimizing the behavior of distributed agents in decentralized power systems by Reinforcement Learming techniques
          Author: David Domínguez Barbero
          Supervisor(s): Javier García González and Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi

      Chapter 5. Other Activities   [Expandir/Contraer | Expandir/Contraer]

      • 5.1 EES-UETP    Expandir/Contraer

        • 5.2 International Exchanges    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.3 Visiting professors    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.4 Visiting students    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Lecturer(s): Andrés Ramos Galán, Javier García González, Pablo Dueñas Martínez
            Course title: Computational modeling for clean, reliable, and affordable electricity
            Funding entity: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
            Date: January 2024
        • 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.
        • 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization    Expandir/Contraer

            *Author(s): Javier García González
            Activity description: Permanent member of Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC
            Funding entity:
            Date: January 2001- Today
        • 5.9 Other Activities    Expandir/Contraer

            *Without information.

        [Expandir todo | Contraer todo]

        Versión en Español