Campaña de la Memoria Académica Anual del IITCurso 2023 - 2024 - Versión en Inglés
A continuación se muestra la información disponible de Dr.D.Javier Matanza Domingo en el peridodo de tiempo desde el 1 de septiembre de 2023 hasta el 31 de agosto de 2024. Esta información se va a emplear para elaborar la Memoria Académica Anual del IIT, la Memoria de Investigación de Comillas y tu Curriculum Vitae, por lo que es muy importante que sea correcta y esté completa. Todos los campos que se muestran en cada referencia deben tener información, a menos que se indique lo contrario (p.ej. "No aplica"). Por favor, complétala. Comprueba también que la información se muestra en el apartado correcto. Si detectas cualquier error o falta de información, por favor, envía un email pinchando aquí indicando el apartado y la información errónea o faltante. Para enviar comentarios/sugerencias/errores... sobre esta página web, por favor haz clic aquí. Para ver la Versión en Español, haz clic aquí. Para ver la Versión Completa de la memoria, haz clic aquí.
[Expandir todo | Contraer todo] Chapter 1. Organizational structure [ | ]- 1.1 Management
- 1.2 Council
- 1.3 Area coordinators
- 1.4 Scientific advisory board
- 1.5 Academic staff
* | Name: | Javier Matanza Domingo | | Category: | Associate Professor | | Degree: | Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Comillas)
Telecommunications Engineer (Technical University of Valencia) | | Areas of Interest: | Signal processing. Communication systems. Power Line Communication. Wireless communications. | | ICAI Department: | DEAC | | | |
- 1.6 Associated academic staff
- 1.7 Pre- and postdoctoral fellows
- 1.8 Areas of Research
- 1.8.1 MAC Coordinator
- 1.8.2 REDES Coordinator
- 1.8.3 RYE Coordinator
- 1.8.4 SADSE Coordinator
- 1.8.5 PCI Coordinator
- 1.8.6 ASF Coordinator
- 1.8.7 ASI Coordinator
- 1.8.8 BIO Coordinator
- 1.8.9 SMS Coordinator
- 1.9 Services staff
- 1.9.1 Systems Administrator Staff
- 1.9.2 Administrative Staff
Chapter 2. Research [ | ]- 2.1 Research Projects
- 2.1.1 Research and develop projects
- Private funding
* | Abbreviated name: | PROPIO2021_SENSCAFFOLD | | Project title: | Experimental proof-of.concept of electromagnetic selfsensing scaffolds | | Funding entity: | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | | Start date: | September 2021 | | End date: | December 2023 | | Researcher(s): | Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Javier Matanza Domingo, Yolanda Ballesteros Iglesias, Juan Carlos del Real Romero, Romano Giannetti, José Daniel Muñoz Frías, Miguel Monteagudo Honrubia | | Description: | The main objective of the project is the development of a novel scaffolds technology. These scaffolds are resonant in the GHz band. Thus, they can be interrogated by an electromagnetic signal and used as sensors. Their response signal will be used to control the regeneration of the bone. Moreover, it could be useful for infections detectecion. In order to obtain such an ambitious goal, different novel technologies will be used. In partircular, additive manufacturing techniques and nanomaterials are proposed. Finally, a demonstrator of the whole system will be develop to evaluate the viability of the proposed technology. | | | | * | Abbreviated name: | IMPLANTSEN3D | | Project title: | Self-sensing implants based on additive manufacturing techniques | | Funding entity: | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | | Start date: | September 2023 | | End date: | December 2024 | | Researcher(s): | Eva Paz Jiménez, Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Paraskevas Sofokleous, Javier Matanza Domingo, Sara López de Armentia Hernández, Yolanda Ballesteros Iglesias, Romano Giannetti | | Description: | The objective of this project is the manufacture of self-sensing implants for biomedical applications through 3D printing using filaments reinforced with ceramic particles. The development of functional materials that can provide particular properties beyond the mere structural support (biological, chemical, electromagnetic properties,...) has been enormous in recent years. In this project, it is intended to use polymeric filaments (PLA-based) for 3D printing by fused filament deposition (FDM), loaded with zirconia and hydroxyapatite ceramic particles. These particles give the polymer a high dielectric permittivity and high biocompatibility, which makes them ideal candidates for the design of electromagnetic sensors in the biomedical field. | | | | * | Abbreviated name: | Dolphin_Attack | | Project title: | Detection, recording, and inhibition system for ultrasound-based attacks on smart devices | | Funding entity: | TRC Informática, S.L | | Start date: | December 2023 | | End date: | July 2024 | | Researcher(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo, Eduardo Alonso Rivas, Romano Giannetti | | Description: | The project addresses the detection and inhibition of ultrasound signals used in attacks on mobile devices (known as the Dolphin Attack). The goal is to implement a system for detecting this attack and inhibiting it through an interfering signal. | | | |
- Public funding
* | Abbreviated name: | OneNet | | Project title: | OneNet- One network for Europe (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 957739) | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | October 2020 | | End date: | March 2024 | | Researcher(s): | José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Tomás Gómez San Román, Rafael Cossent Arín, Luis Olmos Camacho, Javier Matanza Domingo, Gregorio López López, Leandro Lind, Orlando Mauricio Valarezo Rivera, Matteo Troncia, Jesús José Fernández García, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Hernández, Shilpa Bindu, David Ulrich Ziegler | | Description: | OneNet addresses the growing needs of TSOs and DSOs to have real-time insight into the operation of
their networks to work in a closely coordinated way, while unlocking and enabling new flexibility markets in a fair and open way. Goal is to enable a cost-effective, seamless and secure bidirectional power flow to and from network customers as active players while supporting grid operators in their system responsibilities.
The challenges that OneNet addresses are:
• The need to unlock markets of flexibility at every level to address all the possible needs of network operators
• The need to effectively support both TSOs and DSOs system-level operation through providing flexibility for ‘frequency balancing’ and ‘non-frequency’ ancillary services among others
• The need for TSOs and DSOs to secure power supplies in the context of ever-increasing RES penetration, decreasing network outages,
• The need for TSOs and DSOs to gain near real-time insight into the operation of the networks and to can optimise them in near real-time, and
• The need for improved efficiency of grid reinforcements and stabilization of future costs of grid connection.
Comillas is leader of WP10– From OneNet demonstrators to EU wide implementation of coordinated
market schemes and interoperable platforms for standardized system products.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957739 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | RESPONSE | | Project title: | RESPONSE. integRatEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 957751) | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | October 2020 | | End date: | September 2025 | | Researcher(s): | Gregorio López López, Javier Matanza Domingo, Rafael Cossent Arín, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Tomás Gómez San Román, Carlos Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, María Reneses Botija, Farid Bagheri-Gisour Marandyn | | Description: | RESPONSE supports the Lighthouse cities of Dijon (FR) and Turku (FI) and their Fellow cities Brussels (BE), Zaragoza (ES), Botosani (RO), Ptolemaida (GR), Gabrovo (BU) and Severodonetsk (UA) to facilitate them deliver positive energy blocks and districts. Through RESPONSE ,the two LHs will achieve a local RES penetration of 11.2 GWh/y, energy savings of 3,090 MWh/y and an emission reduction of 9, 799 tons CO2eq/y within their districts. To achieve this goal, RESPONSE demonstrates 10 Integrated Solutions (ISs), comprising of 86 innovative elements (technologies, tools, methods), that are being monitored with specific impact metrics (KPIs). It attracts the interest of various stakeholders by generating innovative business models enabling the upscale and replication of the solutions forming a validated roadmap for sustainable cities across Europe and beyond. RESPONSE adopts an energy transition strategy, which includes 5 Transformation Axes (TAs), encompassing the 10 ISs. TA#1 focuses on transforming existing and new building stock into Energy Positive and Smart-ready. TA#2 focuses on the decarbonization of the electricity grid and the district heating/cooling systems, supporting fossil-based regions in transition and the development of energy communities. TA#3 proposes grid flexibility strategies and novel storage systems for optimizing energy flows, maximize self-consumption and reduce grid stress. TA#4 links existing CIPs with apps and other digital infrastructure to enable digitalisation of services and connected city ecosystems, integrating also smart e-Mobility to promote the decarbonisation of the mobility sector. TA#5 offers interdisciplinary citizen engagement and co-creation practices putting citizen at the forefront of shaping the cities they live in and towards the development of each city’s 2050 own bold city-vision. Special focus is given to creating resilient and safe cities increasing quality of life and lowering the impacts of climate change.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957751 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | REDREAM | | Project title: | REDREAM. Real consumer engagement through a new user-centric ecosystem development for end-users´assets in a multi-market scenario. (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 957837) | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | October 2020 | | End date: | April 2024 | | Researcher(s): | Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, Francisco Martín Martínez, Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Carmen Valor Martínez, Álvaro Erdozain Vila, Alessandra Porfido, José Carlos Romero Mora, Roberto Barrella, Efraim Centeno Hernáez, Miguel Martín Lopo, Gopal Lal Rajora, Alejandro Rodríguez Gallego, Bad´r Ghorbal, Javier Matanza Domingo, Rubén Rodríguez Vilches, Olga Rico Díez | | Description: | This project not only enables the effective participation of the consumers/prosumers in the energy market, but also drives a profound change turning traditional company’s value chain into value generation chain, based on a revolutionary Service Dominant Logic paradigm. The main objective of the REDREAM project is to effectively move the consumer (as a residential, industrial and tertiary consumer) participation to the centre of the energy market through an open and co-creative ecosystem where all stakeholders will actively interact. This ambitious challenge will require the collection of demand response tools and services (energy and non-energy) capable of enabling the capacity for the consumers of participating in the energy market through an improvement of predictability of consumption patterns and consumer behaviour.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957837 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | RAYUELA | | Project title: | RAYUELA. Empowering and educating young people for the internet by playing (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 882828) | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | October 2020 | | End date: | October 2023 | | Researcher(s): | Gregorio López López, Mario Castro Ponce, Álvaro Jesús López López, Javier Matanza Domingo, Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Yolanda González Arechavala, Carlos Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Rafael Palacios Hielscher, David Contreras Bárcena, Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Jaime Pérez Sánchez, Luis Francisco Sánchez Merchante, Gabriel Antonio Valverde Castilla | | Description: | The RAYUELA project is a 3-years project beginning in October 2020 with a budget of 5M EUR. The consortium involves 17 partners from 9 countries and is co-ordinated by Universidad Pontificia Comillas. The project brings together experts from different areas of knowledge from all over Europe to develop an interactive story-like game that, on the one side, will allow minors to learn good practices on the use of the Internet and associated technology by playing, and, on the other side, will allow modelling, in a friendly and non-invasive manner, online habits and potential risk profiles related to cybersecurity and cybercriminality, providing Law Enforcement Agencies with scientifically sound foundations to define appropriate policies.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 882828 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | Bio-FlexGen | | Project title: | BIO-FlexGen- Highly-efficient and flexible integration of biomass and renewable hydrogen for low-cost combined heat and power generation to the energy system (Horizon 2020. Grant agreement No. 101037085) | | Funding entity: | European Comission | | Start date: | September 2021 | | End date: | August 2024 | | Researcher(s): | José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Timo Gerres, Paolo Mastropietro, Pablo Rodilla Rodríguez, Paulo Brito Pereira, Javier Matanza Domingo, Gregorio López López, Jesús María Latorre Canteli, Luca De Rosa, Rafael Cossent Arín, Elisa María Aracil Fernández, David Roch Dupré, Shilpa Bindu, Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Guerra, Santiago Serna Zuluaga, Andrés Ramos Galán | | Description: | BIO-FlexGen aims to significantly increase the efficiency, flexibility and cost effectiveness of renewable energy-based combined heat and power plants (CHP), enabling them to play a key role in integrating fluctuating renewable energy into the energy system, and therefore making a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the energy system.
Comillas will contribute to:
1) the socio and techno-economic evaluation of the of CHP technology under different scenarios and contexts.
2) analyse the barriers (market, regulatory, business models, etc.) for CHP deployment
3) contribute to the integration of digitalization strategy.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037085 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | BeFlexible | | Project title: | BeFlex- Boosting Engagement to increase FLEXibility | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | September 2022 | | End date: | August 2026 | | Researcher(s): | José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Carmen Valor Martínez, Javier Matanza Domingo, Tomás Gómez San Román, Pablo Calvo Báscones, Matteo Troncia, Shilpa Bindu, Jesús José Fernández García, Eliana Carolina Ormeño Mejía, Valeria Karina Moreno, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Hernández, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy Mohammed Nour, Leslie Herding | | Description: | Be-Flex project aims to overcome the existing limitations by demonstrating the implementation of versatile solutions that enable grids to become adaptable to upcoming scenarios, boosting mechanisms that will provide benefits to all actors in the energy market (from market and system operators to final users), giving response to all type of consumers’ needs. BeFlex aims at increasing energy system flexibility, enhancing cooperation among DSOs and with TSOs and easing participation of all energy-related actors through the validation and large-scale demonstration of adapted and proven cross-sectoral services, interoperable data exchange platforms for smart grids operation and the creation of required system architecture framework that will enable the creation of new business models providing additional value to meet consumers’ needs in compliance with a stable regulatory framework.
Comillas is in charge of: 1) developing the Regulatory Framework and Proposal for Efficient Flexibility Mechanisms, 2) Define the value proposition and engagement strategies of market actors 3) Guide the project the evaluation, lessons learnt, market uptake of the solutions and scalability of the project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075438 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | eFORT | | Project title: | eFORT- Establishment of a FramewORk for Transforming current EPES into a more resilient, reliable and secure system all over its value chain (Horizon Europe. Grant agreement No. 101075665) | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | September 2022 | | End date: | August 2026 | | Researcher(s): | Gregorio López López, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Javier Matanza Domingo, Rafael Palacios Hielscher, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié, Lukas Sigrist, María del Valle Varo García, Mario Castro Ponce, Jaime Pérez Sánchez, Farid Bagheri-Gisour Marandyn | | Description: | Prompted by the need to comply with environmental and societal concerns, Electrical Power and Energy Systems are undergoing an unprecedented transformation, demanding urgent upgrades to make them more reliable, resilient and secure. Modernization of current grids will greatly reduce the frequency and duration of power blackouts, diminish the impact of disruptive events and restore service faster when outages occur, creating broad benefits to society and economy. eFORT approach will enable the further upgrading of the energy grid without affecting the security of supply and increasing their reliability and resiliency against extreme weather events, manmade hazards and equipment failures. eFORT addresses this complex challenge by gathering a consortium of 23 partners, from 10 EU countries, that provides the needed expertise. The project will put in place a set of solutions at the cyber and physical layers for detecting, preventing and mitigating vulnerabilities and threats. Among them, an interoperable Intelligent Platform will set a common foundation for grid characterization and vulnerability overseeing, as well as gather information from smart grid components and apply heavy-duty algorithms, whereas Asset Management developments will strengthen grid infrastructure robustness, which will be empowered by the addressed Digital Technologies. All these elements will be validated in relevant environments coming from 4 demo cases covering the whole grid value chain: (i) a transmission network (The Netherlands); (ii) a remote distribution grid (Italy); (iii) a digital substation in Ukraine; and (iv) a micro-grid in Spain. Moreover, eFORT relies on several horizontal actions aiming at empowering EPES players by establishing a common regulatory and standardisation framework, performing technical and cost-benefit analysis, and evaluating new related business models and replication potential, in the pathway towards a more sustainable energy system.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075665 |
| | | | * | Abbreviated name: | TwinEU | | Project title: | Digital Twin for Europe | | Funding entity: | European Commission | | Start date: | January 2024 | | End date: | December 2026 | | Researcher(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, Gregorio López López, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié, José Portela González, Carlos Mateo Domingo | | Description: | The TwinEU project is at the forefront of transforming the energy sector through a series of innovative actions aimed at enhancing the capabilities, interoperability, and performance of Digital Twins (DTs) across Europe.
- Cross-Domain Federated DTs: Bridging the gap between different DTs by utilizing existing Smart Grid standards, open APIs, and integration with TensorFlow Hub, fostering a seamless exchange of data and models across various stakeholders.
- HPC-coupled Federated DTs Infrastructure: Leveraging High-Performance Computing (HPC) to boost the computational power of DTs, ensuring faster and more accurate data processing for real-time applications.
- Dataspace Adaptation for Pan-European DTs: Facilitating the sharing and exchange of AI/ML models and data across Europe, with a focus on improving interoperability, lifecycle management, and cross-stakeholder collaboration.
- Closed Loop Adaptive Digital Twins: Evolving DTs to be context-aware, autonomous, and adaptive, capable of real-time decision-making and self-learning to enhance grid monitoring and operation.
- Immersive Metaverse-oriented DTs: Integrating DTs with immersive technologies to create user-friendly and engaging Metaverse-oriented experiences, improving workflows and stakeholder collaboration in smart grids.
The project's objective is to set the stage for a more integrated, efficient, and innovative energy sector, paving the way for smarter grids and a sustainable future. | | | |
- 2.1.2 Consultancy and technological support
- Private funding
- Public funding
- 2.1.3 Services and analysis projects
- Private funding
* | Abbreviated name: | INFORME_DIGITALIZACION-REDES2 | | Project title: | Digitilization of electrical distribution networks: indicators and investments | | Funding entity: | Fundación Naturgy | | Start date: | May 2023 | | End date: | November 2023 | | Researcher(s): | Rafael Cossent Arín, Tomás Gómez San Román, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Gregorio López López, Javier Matanza Domingo, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié, Carlos Mateo Domingo, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Hernández | | Description: | The objective of the proposed collaboration is to develop a report on “Digitalization of electrical distribution networks: indicators and investments”. This report is a continuation of the first report published in September 2021, which delves into the following aspects:
- Indicators to measure how digitized the networks are and establish the correspondence between the service provided (performance) and the degree of digitization.
- Current trends in investments in network digitilization and the most relevant innovation projects in the European and Spanish context, identifying the main challenges for their deployment. | | | |
- Public funding
- 2.2 Publications
- 2.2.1 Books
- 2.2.2 Chapters in books
- 2.2.3 Papers in Journals
* | Author(s): | S. Huclin, A. Ramos, J.P. Chaves, J. Matanza, M. González-Eguino | | Title: | A methodological approach for assessing flexibility and capacity value in renewable-dominated power systems: a Spanish case study in 2030 | | Journal: | Energy | | Vol & Num: | vol. 285 | | Pages: | 129491-1-129491-12 | | ISSN: | 0360-5442 | | Publication date: | October 2023/December 2023 | | | | * | Author(s): | M. Monteagudo Honrubia, G. Caposciutti, F.J. Herraiz-Martínez, J. Matanza, B. Tellini, R. Giannetti | | Title: | Measuring sedimentation profiles for nanoparticle characterization through a square spiral resonator sensor | | Journal: | Sensors | | Vol & Num: | vol. 24, nº. 9 | | Pages: | 2735-1-2735-14 | | ISSN: | 1424-8220 | | Publication date: | April 2024/May 2024 | | | | * | Author(s): | M. Monteagudo Honrubia, F.J. Herraiz-Martínez, J. Matanza | | Title: | A Machine Learning approach for enhancing permittivity mixing rules of binary liquids with a Gaussian modification and a new interaction factor estimation | | Journal: | Journal of Molecular Liquids | | Vol & Num: | vol. 399 | | Pages: | 124290-1-124290-14 | | ISSN: | 0167-7322 | | Publication date: | February 2024/April 2024 | | | | * | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, G. López | | Title: | ICT scalability and replicability analysis for smart grids: methodology and application | | Journal: | Energies | | Vol & Num: | vol. 17, nº. 3 | | Pages: | 574-1-574-27 | | ISSN: | 1996-1073 | | Publication date: | January 2024/February 2024 | | | | * | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, G. López, R. Cossent, J.P. Chaves, C. Mateo, T. Gómez, M.A. Sánchez Fornié | | Title: | Measuring the digitalisation of electricity distribution systems in Europe: towards the smart grid | | Journal: | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems | | Vol & Num: | vol. 159 | | Pages: | 110009-1-110009-9 | | ISSN: | 0142-0615 | | Publication date: | April 2024/August 2024 | | | | * | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, L. Sigrist, J.L. Rueda Torres, G. López | | Title: | Confronting the threat: analysis of the impact of MaDIoT attacks in two power system models | | Journal: | Energies | | Vol & Num: | vol. 16, nº. 23 | | Pages: | 7732-1-7732-12 | | ISSN: | 1996-1073 | | Publication date: | November 2023/December 2023 | | | |
- 2.2.4 Papers in Congress
* | Author(s): | M. Monteagudo Honrubia, F.J. Herraiz-Martínez, J. Matanza | | Title: | A Machine Learning approach for the validation and optimization of permittivity mixing rules for binary liquids | | Type: | Communication | | Congress: | XXXVIII Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio - URSI 2023 | | City: | Caceres | | Country: | Spain | | Date: | 13-15 September 2023 | | ISBN: | 978-84-09-53230-8 | | | | * | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, G. López | | Title: | Model the path: impact of propagation models on the scalability analysis of a wireless M-Bus sensoring system for smart grids | | Type: | Communication | | Congress: | 14th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids - SmartGridComm 2023 | | City: | Glasgow | | Country: | United Kingdom | | Date: | 31 October - 31 October 2023 | | ISBN: | 978-1-6654-5557-2 | | | | * | Author(s): | J. Jarauta Gastelu, R. Gesteira-Miñarro, J. Matanza, R. Palacios, G. López | | Title: | Ataque MitM a puntos de recarga AC | | Type: | Communication | | Congress: | IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad - JNIC 2024 | | City: | Seville | | Country: | Spain | | Date: | 27-29 May 2024 | | ISBN: | 978-84-09-62140-8 | | | | * | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, L. Sigrist, J.L. Rueda Torres, G. López | | Title: | Análisis del impacto de ataques MaDIoT en dos modelos de sistemas eléctricos | | Type: | Poster | | Congress: | IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad - JNIC 2024 | | City: | Seville | | Country: | Spain | | Date: | 27-29 May 2024 | | ISBN: | 978-84-09-62140-8 | | | |
- 2.2.5 IIT Technical Documents
* | Author(s): | N. Rodríguez Pérez, J. Matanza, G. López, L. Sigrist, J.L. Rueda Torres | | Title: | MaDIoT 3.0: assessment of attacks on distributed energy resources and demand in a power system | | Date: | March 2024 | | Reference: | IIT-24-072WP | | | |
- 2.2.6 Other Publications
* | Author(s): | J.P. Chaves, R. Cossent, T. Gómez, G. López, J. Matanza, C. Mateo, N. Rodríguez Pérez, M.A. Sánchez Fornié, M.A. Ruiz | | Type: | Technical report | | Title: | La digitalización de las redes eléctricas de distribución: indicadores e inversiones | | Organizer: | Fundación Naturgy | | City: | Madrid | | Country: | Spain | | Date: | June 2024 | | More information: | Proyecto: INFORME_DIGITALIZACION-REDES2 | | | |
- 2.3 Software Products
Chapter 3. Teaching [ | ]- 3.1 Supervised Bachelor Theses at IIT
- 3.1.1 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering for Industrial Technologies
- 3.1.2 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Telecommunications Technologies
* | Title: | Detección y decodificación de señales Enhanced Wi-Fi | | Author: | Fernández Villar, Miguel Ángel | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | |
- 3.2 Postgraduate Teaching
- 3.2.1 Master Courses
- Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
* | Subject title: | Master Thesis | | Lecturer(s): | Ignacio Egido Cortés, Javier Matanza Domingo, Matteo Troncia | | | | * | Subject title: | Telecommunications for Smart Grids | | Lecturer(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | | * | Subject title: | Master Thesis | | Lecturer(s): | Roberto Barrella, Francisco Javier Bellido López, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Rafael Cossent Arín, Fernando de Cuadra García, Ignacio de Rodrigo Tobías, Pablo Dueñas Martínez, Antonio Fernández Cardador, Adrián Fernández Rodríguez, Aurelio García Cerrada, Javier García González, Tomás Gómez San Román, Lucía Güitta López, Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez, Pedro Linares Llamas, Álvaro Jesús López López, Sara Lumbreras Sancho, Javier Matanza Domingo, Carlos Mateo Domingo, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy Mohammed Nour, Valeria Karina Moreno, Luis Olmos Camacho, Álvaro Ortega Manjavacas, Manuel Pérez Bravo, José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar, Néstor Rodríguez Pérez, José Carlos Romero Mora, Luis Rouco Rodríguez, Berta Ruiz González, Álvaro Sánchez Miralles, Pablo Sánchez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi, Santiago Serna Zuluaga, Lukas Sigrist, Matteo Troncia, Carmen Valor Martínez, Juan Luis Zamora Macho | | | |
- Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
* | Subject title: | Communications Systems I | | Lecturer(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | | * | Subject title: | Master Thesis | | Lecturer(s): | Gregorio López López, Javier Matanza Domingo, José Antonio Rodríguez Mondéjar, Miguel Ángel Sanz Bobi | | | |
- Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
- Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
- Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
- Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
- MBA in the Global Energy Industry
- Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
- Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
- Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
- Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
- Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
- Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
* | Subject title: | Master Thesis | | Lecturer(s): | Ignacio Egido Cortés, Javier Matanza Domingo, Matteo Troncia | | | | * | Subject title: | Telecommunications for Smart Grids | | Lecturer(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | |
- Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
- Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
- Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
- Master in smart agricultural industry and sustainability
- Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
- 3.2.2 Master Theses supervised at IIT
- Official Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (MII)
* | Title: | Broadband PLC over Low Voltage grid pilot roll-out results assessment and full roll-out | | Author: | Carballo Palacio, Minerva | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | | * | Title: | Optical Fiber Sensing Applications for the Electric Utility | | Author: | Blázquez Cabezas, Marta | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | |
- Official Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT)
* | Title: | Detección de Protocolos de Comunicación en Drones Comerciales. | | Author: | González Gómez, Raúl | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | | * | Title: | Diseño y Desarrollo de Infraestructura Cliente-Servidor para BattleCode en CSC 411Artificial Intelligence | | Author: | Martínez Luna, Lucas Alberto | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | |
- Official Master's Degree in the Electric Power Industry (MEPI)
- Erasmus Mundus International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN)
- Master in Railway Systems (MSF)
- MBA in the Global Energy Industry
- Master in Fire Protection Engineering (MIPCI)
- Master's Degree in Smart Industry (MIC)
- Master’s Degree in International Industrial Project Management
- Master's Degree in Big Data Technologies and Advanced Analytics (MBD)
- Master in Electricity Generation. Promotion, Technology and Operation (MGE) (On-line)
- Master's Degree in Management Solutions (MCN)
- Master in Project, Construction and Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Transmission (On-line)
- Official Master's Degree in Engineering Research (MIMSI)
- Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG)
* | Title: | Optical Fiber Sensing Applications for the Electric Utility | | Author: | Blázquez Cabezas, Marta | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | | * | Title: | Broadband PLC over Low Voltage grid pilot roll-out results assessment and full roll-out | | Author: | Carballo Palacio, Minerva | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo | | | |
- Master in Biomechanics Applied to Damage Assessment; Advanced Physical Therapy Techniques
- Master in Mobility and Safety Engineering (MMS)
- Master in Electrical Technology (MTE)
- Official Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Sports Physiotherapy
- Master in Environment and Energy Transition
- 3.3 Other Academic Activities
- 3.3.1 External Master Courses
- 3.3.2 Supervised Master Theses in other Universities
- 3.3.3 Developed Master Theses in other Universities
Chapter 4. Doctorate [ | ]- 4.1 ICAI Engineers' Association PhD Scholarship
- 4.2 Training complements
- 4.3 Training activities
- 4.4 Doctoral Theses
- 4.4.1 Comillas Submitted Theses
* | Title: | Contribution to the analysis and evaluation of the digitalisation of smart grids | | Author: | Néstor Rodríguez Pérez | | Supervisor(s): | Javier Matanza Domingo and Gregorio López López | | Dissertation date: | Junio 17 , 2024 | | | |
- 4.4.2 Submitted Theses in other Universities
- 4.4.3 Comillas Ongoing Theses
Chapter 5. Other Activities [ | ]- 5.1 EES-UETP
- 5.2 International Exchanges
- 5.3 Visiting professors
- 5.4 Visiting students
- 5.5 Courses offered and coordinated to external companies and institutions
- 5.6 Conferences, Seminars, Roundtables and Workshops Contributions
- 5.7 Congress, Seminars and Journals Organization
- 5.8 Other Academic Activities Organization
- 5.9 Other Activities